國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所陳昭珍2015-07-032015-07-032008/08-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=1675332http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73304由於資訊科技的發展,網路上有越來越多前所未有的新服務模式,如維基 (wiki)、 部落格、Podcasting、DSS 等,Web 2.0 以網路作為平台,並且擴散到網路所連結的各 種裝置,利用集體智慧,發揮了網路更大的力量。因此,Google 利用PageRank技術, 將網路的連結結構表現在搜尋的結果、Amazon.com, Barnesansnoble.com 將使用者的經 驗(User Review)加入銷售商品旁 、 Wikipedia 集合眾人的智慧,一起共筆編纂網路 百科全書、Del.icio.us, Flickr 利用大眾的智慧進行通俗分類(Folksonomy)、以及 協同式的垃圾郵件過濾軟體這些都是利用集體的智慧,讓過去20/80 的原則逆向發展。 然而,我們也看但另一個嚴謹且先進的知識組織研究持續進行著,即 FRBR、 metadata、semantic web,及其相關的知識本體 (ontology)、知識管理系統 (knowledge organization system, KOS),到底數位圖書館之知識組織會如何發展、這些不同的模 式會互斥、還是互補,如何達到成本效益最佳平衡點?如何滿足未來使用者的需求?系 統架構及功能介面如何設計,傳統的工具如何使用?傳統的目錄如何轉型?這些問題都 是本計畫擬研究的問題。 本計畫原擬分三年進行: 第一年主要擬探討web 2.0 知識組織的新模式,也擬了解使用者及參與者對這些 新模式的態度,如:Taxonomy and Folksonomy 等; 第二年擬探討在semantic web 的發展下,ontology,KOS 等知識組織模式與上述 web 2.0 知識組織模式結合的可行性; 第三年擬以圖書館的OPAC 為例,並應用FRBR、ontology、Folksonomy、wiki、 DSS 技術,實際將未來的知識組織模式設計出來。 但因有一位審查委員建議將三年計畫縮短為二年計畫,所以本年度正在進行原訂 之第一年及第二年之研究,對全球以Taxonomy 及 Folksonomy、semantic web、 ontology、KOS 之知識組織系統進行深入了解與評估,並擬於自明年八月起,開 始以圖書館的OPAC 為例,並應用FRBR、ontology、Folksonomy、wiki、DSS 技 術,實際將未來的知識組織模式設計出來。New digital service models have been advancing themselves in the cyberspace market, their multi-faceted impacts upon internet users on the rise in an unprecedented acceleration rate. Most notable models include Wiki, Podcasting, DSS, as they represent WEB 2.0 at its best in using internet as their platform. These and other service models have spread out their influences even farther by inter-connectedness with other high-tech facilities in hardware and software, creating a massive network of information and knowledge. In this traffic on the digital highway ever expanding in astronomical magnitude, search engines like Google has incorporated PageRank to enhance precision and speed of lookups. Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com have put into good use user reviews for promotions. Wikipedia started out an encyclopedia project for common folks to contribute and share their information and knowledge in a most open forum. And Del.icio.us and Flickr shows great insights in taking advantages of folksonomy. Moreover, corporative folksonomy has been utilized in developing a parallel-synchronized system to filter out unsolicited incoming transmissions, another landmark in reserving the traditional 20/80 trend. Meanwhile, researches have continuously been pursued to advance structure and organization models for digital information. Primary projects in this vital field focus on FRBR, metadata, and semantic web, as they relate to ontology and KOS (knowledge organization system). This study aims to explore the optimal point of cost efficiency in integrating these and other digital information structure and organization models in libraries. It seeks to investigate the inter-compatibility of these models, with attempts to find their mutual supplementary or exclusive roles. This research is to look for ways to meet with the needs of future library users, while encompassing a macro-view to make combinations of traditional and innovative means as well as to provide pointers for transitions to happen. A three-year plan for the research to take place in phases is as follows. First-Year Phase. During the 1st year period, this project will focus on explorations of WEB 2.0 information structures. Also, it will survey how users and participants react to new models such as Taxonomy and Folksonomy. Second-Year Phase. During the 2nd year period, this project will investigate the compatibility of semantic web with ontology and KOS, with feasibility studies intended. Third-Year Phase. During the 3rd year period, this project will concentrate on designing a system aiming to meet the needs of future users, by taking OPAC as starting point and incorporating FRBR, ontology, folksonomy, and DSS advancements. According to Committee member's suggestion, this three-year project is shortened to two-year. Therefore in the current year, it will implement both the First-Year Phase and the Second-Year Phase of original project-use knowledge organization system(Taxonomy ,Folksonomy ,semantic web,ontology,and KOS) to research and evaluate the web globally. After August 2008, this project will concentrate on designing a system aiming to meet the needs of future users, by taking OPAC as starting point and incorporating FRBR, ontology, folksonomy, and DSS advancements.web 2.0專家分類 (taxonomy)通俗分類(folksonomy)知識本體(ontology)語意網路 (semantic web)FRBR維基 (wiki)web 2.0taxonomyfolksonomyontologysemantic webFRBRWikiWeb 2.0 時代數位圖書館知識組織模式之探討(II)Digital Information Structure Models for Libraries---A Library Web 2.0 Study(Ⅱ)