廖書賢Liao, Shu-Hsien陳芸萱Chen, Yun-Hsuan2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060548004S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98026本論文描述了一項檢測技術用以分析磁性樣品特性,本研究開發微型交流磁導儀磁結合了磁粒子頻譜分析系統(Magnetic Particle Spectrum Analyzer, MPS),可測定磁性粒子的磁化頻譜,預測合成磁性粒子於醫學造影中的適用性[1],並成功開發以5th harmonic分析磁性樣品量測技術。 在系統性能提升部分,優化了線圈架構提升磁場產生振幅達約354.57 Oe。具有足夠強度的激發磁場驅動致磁性粒子非線性響應產生諧波信號,大幅提升訊雜比(Signal-to-noise ratio, SNR),實現了對微量磁性樣品的高靈敏度檢測。並擴大檢測功能性磁珠的直徑範圍,從原本的奈米擴大至微米等級,增加功能性磁珠應用價值。 為了驗證磁粒子頻譜分析系統發展生物醫學可行性,我們將之應用於磁性生物標記免疫檢測,檢測CRP抗原。透過標靶磁性粒子與生物抗原結合,量測磁性叢集所致粒徑變化對應磁化強度的改變,可辨別出1 ppm抗原濃度,符合目前心肌梗塞及中風風險評估之標準,允許在生物研究中進行更精確的模擬。此技術提供快速經濟方法來表徵磁特性,並且適用於多種檢測類型。This paper describes a detection technique for analyzing the characteristics of magnetic specimen. We developed a Miniature AC Susceptometer that combines the Magnetic Particle Spectrum Analyzer (MPS) to measure the magnetization spectrum of magnetic particles and predict synthetic magnetic particle properties. The applicability of particles in Magnetic Particles Imaging [1], and finally, we successful developed magnetic specimen measurement technique with 5th harmonic analysis. Regarding to the system performance improvement, the excitation coil structure is optimized to increase the magnetic field to 354.57 Oe approximately. The high strength excitation magnetic field drives the nonlinear response of the magnetic particles to generate harmonic signals, which boosted signal-to-noise ratio significantly, extending the detecting range of diameter of functionalized magnetic particles from the nanometers (nm) to Microns (µ), and increasing the application of functionalized magnetic particles. In order to verify the biomedical feasibility of the magnetic particle spectrum analyzer, we tried to apply it to the magnetic labeled immunoassay, detecting the CRP antigen. Measuring the behavior of magnetization increments in magnetic specimen by conjugating the biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles (BMNs) with biotargets in liquid magnetic immunoassays, the antigen of 1 ppm concentration can be discriminated, which complies with the current risk assessment criteria for myocardial infarction and stroke, achieving more accurate simulation in biological research.   Therefore, a high sensitive detection of magnetic particles can be achieved. The detection limit of iron content was identified. The Miniature AC Susceptometer shows the feasibility for biomedical application after combination with the microfluidics devices.磁性粒子頻譜分析生物修飾功能性磁性奈米粒子朗之萬函式Magnetic Particle SpectrumBiofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticlesLangevin function微型交流磁導儀結合磁粒子頻譜分析系統之生醫應用Sensitive Miniature AC Susceptometer Combines Magnetic Particle Spectrum Analyzer for Liquid Magnetic Immunoassays