蔡平順陳鏡潭2014-10-272014-10-271984-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17803就現行高中化學實驗課教材之操作難易度,結果之精確度,教材之可行性,癥結問題等,作問卷調查。百分之四十以上的教師認為操作較難的共有3項,不易獲得良好準確度者有14項,指出問題之癥結或提出建議者有25項。學生之實驗操作技能、器材、試藥品質等,影響甚大。本文就實驗教材的編寫及實驗教學方法提出改進意見。A questionnaire has been made to find the degree of difficulty of the labora-tory manipulation, accuracy of the experimental results, and workability of the laboratory manual currently used in senior high schools. More than 40% of the re-spondents noticed that three out of the 30 experiments were considerably difficult for the students and 14 experiments were difficult to get good accurate results. The respondents either pointed out the key problems or commented on the experi-ments. The laboratory technique of students, equipment of the laboratory, and quality of chemicals are considered to be the major factors that influence the results of the experiments. In this paper, a proposal of writing laboratory teaching materials and improving laboratory teaching methods is made.化學實驗課高中教材教學現行高中化學實驗課教材教學實況的調查研究A Study of the Current High School Chemistry Laboratory Text by Questionnaire