程紹同陳永宜2019-09-052015-7-302019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069230013%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104825摘 要   本研究旨在瞭解超級籃球聯賽(SBL)現場觀眾參與動機、參與滿意度與行為意向之間的關係。本研究以問卷進行調查,於2005年4月間抽取。其研究結果如下: 一、參與觀眾中,以『女性』佔多數、年齡方面分佈在『16-25歲』者,較為廣泛、『學生』是主要的觀眾族群、『大專』是教育程度中參與率最高的觀眾群、『未婚』的觀眾參與比例較高、收入在『3,000元以下』的參與者,是球賽主要的消費者、支持的球隊以『台啤』為最多、多數有從事籃球運動的習慣、平均一週1-2次的比例最高、在參與觀眾中有習慣性觀賞美國NBA職業籃球比賽的人數較多、平均一週收看NBA次數在1~2次者佔比例最高、在觀眾中有看SBL轉播習慣的佔多數、平均一週收看SBL次數的以1-2次者比例最高、多數觀眾過去有觀賞SBL的經驗、平均一個月至現場觀賞SBL次數以1-2次的比例最高、觀眾多數未至現場觀賞職業棒球、有觀賞職業棒球經驗者以1-2次的比例最高、多數觀眾和朋友一起前來、購買的票價多數為150元。 二、觀眾參與觀賞動機因素分析,認同程度最高前三項依序為『因為個人的興趣』、『受球賽的精彩刺激所吸引』及『喜歡球場營造的氣氛』。   三、觀眾參與滿意度結果分析,最高前三項因素為依序為『比賽的精彩度』、『現場看球的氣氛』及『球員的表現』。   四、參與觀賞動機之差異分析中,『性別』、『年齡』、『職業』、『教育程度』、『婚姻』、『每月收入』、『從事籃球運動習慣』、『一週從事籃球運動次數』、『是否觀賞NBA轉播』、『一週觀賞NBA的次數』、『是否觀賞SBL轉播』、『一週觀賞SBL的次數』、『是否至現場觀賞SBL』、『一個月至現場觀賞SBL次數』及『購買的票價』對參與觀賞動機因素有顯著差異存在。   五、參與滿意度之差異分析中,『年齡』、『職業』、『教育程度』、『每月收入』、『從事籃球運動習慣』、『一週從事籃球運動次數』、『是否觀賞NBA轉播』、『一週觀賞NBA的次數』、『是否觀賞SBL轉播』、『一週觀賞SBL的次數』、『是否至現場觀賞SBL』、『一個月至現場觀賞SBL次數』及『購買的票價』對參與滿意度有顯著差異存在。  六、觀眾之參與動機與滿意度之相關性分析中,有顯著相關存在。 七、觀眾之行為意向與參與動機及滿意度呈正相關。 關鍵字:超級籃球聯賽、消費者行為、行為意向Abstract The primary purpose of this study was to understand the relationship among motivation, satisfaction, and behavioral intention in SBL (Super Basketball League). This research with questionnaire, sampled 7 games in April of 2005. It studies the result as follows: 1.Most of the spectators were “females”. Their age were between 16 and 25. Most of the spectators were “Students”, in particular those at college or university level. Most of the spectators were “Unmarried spectators”. Most of their monthly income were “below NT$3,000”. Most of the spectators supported Taiwan basketball team. Those who regularly play basketball made up the majority, especially those who play basketball once or twice a week. Those who had previously attended basketball games made up the majority as well. Of the spectators, those regular viewers of NBA were the majority, especially those who view NBA once or twice a week. Of the spectators, those regular viewers of SBL were the majority, especially those who view SBL once or twice a week. Most of the spectators appreciated the SBL , who looked SBL once or twice a month. Most of the spectators were not appreciated the CPBL. Appreciate the CPBL, who looked CPBL once or twice a month. Most of them are on getting up with the friend. Most of the spectators purchased the ticket price to NT$150. 2.According to the results, the analysis of the attendance motivation, the top three responded by the respondents with consent are: “I attended the games because of my personal interests”, “the fascinating incitement of the SBL attract” and “the player's performance in the games.” 3.According to the results of satisfactory, the top three responded by the respondents with consent are: “the overall excitement of the entire games”, “ See the atmosphere of the ball” and “the players’ performance in the games”. 4.In the analysis on different attendance motivation, “gender”, “age”, “occupation”, “education level”, “marital status”, “monthly income”, “habits in playing basketball”, “ frequency in playing basketball weekly” , “habits of watching NBA”, “ frequency of watching NBA weekly” , “habits of watching SBL”, “ frequency of watching SBL weekly” , “Have ever appreciated the SBL” ,“frequency of watching SBL monthly” and “Purchase the ticket price” show significant difference in the factors of attendance motivation. 5.In the analysis of the different satisfaction level, “age”, “occupation”, “education level”, “monthly income”, “habits in playing basketball”, “ frequency in playing basketball weekly” , “habits of watching NBA”, “ frequency of watching NBA weekly” , “habits of watching SBL”, “ frequency of watching SBL weekly” , “Have ever appreciated the SBL” ,“frequency of watching SBL monthly” and “Purchase the ticket price “show significant difference in the factors of the satisfaction level of participation. 6.The analysis on the interrelationship between attendance motivation and satisfaction level indicates significant difference. 7.The motivation, satisfaction and Behavior intention are closely related to each other. Key words:Super Basketball League(SBL), consumer behavior, behavioral intention超級籃球聯賽消費者行為行為意向Super Basketball League(SBL)consumer behaviorbehavioral intention超級籃球聯賽消費者行為之研究A Study on Consumer Behavior of Super Basketball League