國立臺灣師範大學社會工作學研究所游美貴2014-12-022014-12-022002-12-011681-8822http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/37606傳統上,警察通常視婚姻暴力為家務事,但因為政策的改變,有關當局正試著改變警察的觀點,使其視婚姻暴力為犯罪行為。這篇報告透過深度訪談受虐婦女對警察服務的觀點,以及其他級研究資料的收集,檢視警察對婚姻暴力的回應,提出台灣和英國受虐婦女對警察服務看法之異同。本研究發現,在台灣警察多認為保護令是確保婦女安全的重要方法之一,所以警察多轉介婦女至醫院驗傷,並且通報轄區所在的家庭暴力防治中心,使婦女能夠得到後續的服務;在英國因為庇護服務發展良好,警察多認為庇護所是提供婚暴婦女需求的處所,因此英國的警察多要求婦女離開家尋求庇護服務。台灣的婦女認為,警察應該改進他們的服務的態度,對婦女所提的請求予以正視,並提供適當的協助;反觀英國的婦女則認為,警察應該將施虐者予以逮補,使婦女能夠安全的待在自己家中,而不是要求婦女離開家,尋求庇護。Domestic violence has only recently been treated as matter for the police. This paper examines similarities and differences in police responses to domestic violence in Taiwan and England. The paper is in three parts. The first part discusses advantages and disadvantages of current policies and relevant police legislation for abused women. Secondly, the paper presents the results of new research concerned with abused women's views of the way in which the police acted when called to incidents of domestic violence. Finally, this paper highlights the main findings of the research and suggests implications for the policy and practice of police services responding to domestic violence in Taiwan and England.婚姻暴力受虐婦女家庭暴力防治法家庭暴力防治中心庇護所Domestic violenceAbused womenFamilyViolence prevention act 1998Family violence prevention centreRefuge/shelter臺灣與英國受暴婦女對警察服務之比較研究 A Comparative Study on Abused Women's Experiences of the Police Services in Taiwan and England