吳青蓉張景媛2014-10-272014-10-271997-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17233本研究旨在分析英語科專家╱生手教師在課堂教學歷程上的差異。本研究採「教育俗民誌」的研究方法,以 2 位專家教師與 2 位生手教師為對象,針對其課堂教學歷程進行一學期的觀察研究,將所得資料從教師教導學生認知學習、提昇學生學習動機、指導學生技能學習、及教師本身教學效能等方面來進行分析。茲歸納本研究之主要發現,作成結論如下:一、在教導認知學習方面:專家教師比較能依教學情境的需要適時調整教學;但是生手教師教學上較缺乏變化與彈性。二、在提昇學生動機信念方面:專家教師採鼓勵方式來激發學生的學習動機及學習意願;但是生手教師,運用較多的口頭警告與責備,來提醒學生專心於學習。三、在指導學生技能方面:專家教師會設法培養學生在聽、說、讀、寫各方面簡單的語文能力;生手教師,以考試教學為主,在學生溝通、會話和用語能力的培養上較少。四、在教師效能方面:專家教師對於自己的教學較有自信;但是生手教師多以學生的成績表現來衡量自己的教學。The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences between expert and novice teachers in their teaching processes. In order to accomplish this purpose, the study was to observe the teaching process in a semester with the use of ethnography method. The subjects contained 2 expert teachers and 2 novice teachers. The data collected were analyzed from four aspects: the cognitive domain, the affective domain, the psychomotor domain, and teacher's efficacy. The major findings were summarized as follows: 1.The Cognitive Domain: the result from the qualitative analysis of the teaching process indicated that the expert teachers could properly adjust their teaching to fit the need of the teaching situation; but the novice teachers lacked whole conceptions about teaching and their teaching was less various and less elastic. 2. The Affective Domain: the result showed that the expert teachers could arouse students' learning motivation and learning spirit in an encouraging way; but the novice teachers used more verbal warning and rebuke to remind the students to concentrate their attention on what they are learning. 3. The Psychomotor Domain: the result indicated that the expert teacher could cultivate students' basic language ability in listening, speaking, reading, and writing; the novice teachers focused on test-teaching, and did less to develop the students' communicative ability. 4. The Teacher's Efficacy: the result showed that the expert teachers were more confident of their teaching; but the novice teachers judged their teaching effects by the scores of the students in test.專家教師生手教師教學歷程Expert teachersNovice teachersTeaching processes英語科專家/生手教師課堂教學之研究A Comparative Study of the Teaching Processes of the Expert and Novice Teachers