黃芳銘Hwang, Fang-Ming林玉琅Lin, Yu-Liang2019-08-292019-10-102019-08-292016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002023106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91987本研究旨在探究樂齡者學習成效與賦能之關係,主要研究目的在瞭解樂齡者學習成效與賦能之現況,分析不同背景變項之樂齡者學習成效與賦能之差異情形,探討樂齡者學習成效對賦能的預測力。透過問卷調查的方式,以2016年度參與臺北市基督長老教會松年大學55歲以上之樂齡學員為研究對象,共發放正式問卷439份,回收有效問卷250份,有效回收率為57%,問卷調查結果採用:描述統計分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元迴歸等統計方式加以分析,得到下列幾項結論: 一、樂齡者參與學習之整體學習成效呈中高以上程度,其中以「身體健康」 構面學習成效最佳。 二、樂齡者參與學習之整體賦能呈中高以上程度,其中以「意義」構面的賦 能程度最佳。 三、樂齡者健康狀況不同之學習成效有顯著差異,其中以健康狀況好者學習 成效最佳。 四、樂齡者健康狀況好者,「抉擇能力」表現較佳。 五、樂齡者學習成效與賦能呈正相關。 六、樂齡者參與學習後之學習成效是預測其賦能程度之重要因素。 根據上述的研究結論,提供建議予相關單位與未來相關研究之參考。This study aims to illustrate the current status of the relationship between learning effectiveness and empowerment in senior learners. By analyzing how variables of different backgrounds affect the differences of the relationship between learning effectiveness and empowerment in senior learners. This study investigates the predictive power of the relationships between senior learners' learning effectiveness and the empowerment. This research applies questionnaires. That was based upon the senior learners who were enrolled in Taipei Sung-Nein University in the 2016. We delivered 439 questionnaires in total; 250 valid questionnaires were retrieved; the effective rate was 57%. The data were analized through descriptive statistical analysis, one way anova, factor analysis, independent sample T test,Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analisys.The conclusions of this study were followings: 1. Senior learners' learning efficiency ranked mid-high in “Health”growth level. 2. Senior learners' empowerment ranked mid-high in “meaningfulness” growth level. 3.Various health conditions in senior learners influence their learning efficiency. Senior learners with good health condition performed better in learning efficiency. 4. Better health condition shows better selective ability. 5. The learning effectiveness was significantly related to empowerment in senior learners. 6. Learning efficiency is essential toward value prediction to senior learners empowerment Based on the results of this comprehensive study, we will provide suggestions to related facilities and reference for future researches.樂齡者學習成效賦能senior learnerlearning efficiencyempowerment樂齡者學習成效與賦能關係之研究A study in exploring the relationship between learning effectiveness and empowerment in senior learners.