張瓅勻Chang, Li-Yun徐佩儀Syu, Pei-Yi2023-12-082023-08-012023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d073f95fd18c660ad3d44661f39888cf/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119012本研究旨在探討以《我繪弟子規》運用在新加坡某私立幼兒園全華文班的學習成效,研究方法以單組前後測設計之實驗法為主,以觀察法及訪談法為輔,對 3位 5歲幼兒進行教學與評量。評量方式以描述統計呈現幼兒在教學前後於認知、情意和技能三方面教學目標之差異;輔以對家長和協助教師的半結構式訪談,瞭解利用《我繪弟子規》發展的教學活動在不同場域所發揮的成效。研究結果方面:首先,幼兒在接受《我繪弟子規》的教學後,品德能力明顯地提升。再者,關於幼兒的華語學習成效果,同樣接受《我繪弟子規》,融入遊戲、歌謠與律動的多元教學較強調背誦的傳統方式對幼兒更具正面影響。最後,從家長與協助教師的訪談瞭解其對品德教育的態度,且在教學後,幼兒在家中與學校均能展現適切的品德行為。根據上述研究結果,本研究之結論如下:一、本研究改編之《我繪弟子規》教材,對幼兒的價值觀(認知)、品德能力(情意)與識字能力(技能)更具針對性、趣味性與實用性。二、利用較多元有趣的教學方法實施品德課程教學,和一般傳統教學相較下,幼兒在品德能力的提升較為明顯。三、訪談家長認為品德教育甚為重要,運用適宜的教材如《我繪弟子規》,有助於培養幼兒良好的品德表現。This study uses"Wo Hui Di Zi Gui" as the teaching material, adapts four core values of cleanliness, respect, mutual aid, and gratitude, and investigates the impact of different teaching methods on young children's learning. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of using "Wo Hui Di Zi Gui" as the teaching material in a private Chinese-speaking kindergarten in Singapore. The research design uses a single-group pre-test and post-test method, supplementing by observation and interviews, to assess the learning outcomes of three 5-year-old children. The assessment results are displayed with descriptive statistics, which indicates differences in young children's learning in the areas of cognition, emotion, and skills. Additionally, semi-structured interviews with parents and assistant teachers are conducted to investigate whether the use of "Wo Hui Di Zi Gui" in teaching activities has an impact on young children's behaviour at home. In terms of the research results, firstly, after receiving the teaching of "Wo Hui Di Zi Gui", the children's moral ability has been significantly improved. Secondly, with regard to the children's learning outcomes, itwas found that the multiple ways of integrating games, songs and rhythms has a more positive impact on children than the traditional teaching method that emphasizes rote memorization. Finally, the attitudes of parents towards moral education have a significant impact on young children's moral behaviour at home. Therefore, based on the research results, the findings and conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The adapted teaching material of "Wo Hui Di Zi Gui" used in this study is more targeted, interesting, and practical for young children's values (cognition), moral behavior (affection), and literacy skills (skills). 2. The implementation of moral education through a more engaging teaching style and materials can significantly enhance young children's moral abilities compared to traditional teaching methods.3. The interviewed parents emphasized the significance of moral education, and the use of appropriate teaching materials can assist in instilling good character traits in young children.幼兒弟子規全華文班品德教育young childrenDi Zi Guifull Chinese-speaking classcharacter education運用《我繪弟子規》發展品德教育活動之成效評估—以新加坡幼兒全華文班為例Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Development of Moral Education Activities Using"Wo Hui Di Zi Gui"— An Example of a Chinese Class Kindergarten in Singaporeetd