王秀玲李玫燁2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699000334%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90252 本研究旨在探討國語文課室教學活動之課的結構及其參與結構,並分析教師發問的問題類型與其回饋方式。本研究採用質性方法,選取一位國小教師為研究對象,現場觀察作為資料蒐集的主要方式。本研究的結論如下︰ 壹、按照課的序列組織,國語文課室教學活動之課的結構,可分為預備、教學和結束等三個階段。其中又以教學階段為「課」的主要核心,預備階段多以處理班級相關事務為主,而結束階段的存在並不那麼顯而易見。 貳、在生字教學、課文講解和習作教學中,教師最常使用事實型問題來引起學生的言談參與,其次為理解型問題,教師甚少以統整型問題,加以聯結學生的生活經驗。 參、因教師提問的問題內容來自於教科書文本,且多半具有標準答案,故教師的回饋多停留於封閉層面,以評估學生回應的內容為主,較少使對話的主題產生加深、加廣的效用。 肆、師生在教室裡的參與結構幾乎由教師所主導,其中又以「教師對全班學生」的言談互動類型最常出現,而「學生對全班學生」的參與結構,是在教師的安排下應運而生的。 最後依據研究結論,本研究針對教室言談方面,分別對國小教師以及後續相關研究提出建議。 The purpose of this study is to examine the lesson structure and participation structure. The research was carried out in a 4th grade primary classroom for the period of five weeks. The interactions between teacher and students in the Mandarin classroom activities were observed and analyzed. The result was based on the following three aspects, including instructional discourse, question-answering patterns, and instructional procedure. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. Mandarin classroom activities can divide into three phases according to the sequential organization of lessons: the preparing, the instructional and the closing phase. Among them, compared to the preparation phase and closing phase, instructional phase is the core of classroom teaching. 2. In the teaching context, teacher most used fact questions to stimulate students' participation and make the instructional discourse more comprehensively. Otherwise, teacher less used integrative questions to link the students' life experiences. 3. Because the teacher’s questioning came from standard answers of textbooks. The feedbacks of teacher remained in the closed level, less to use deepen and widen dialogue to guide students in question-answering patterns. 4. The participation structure was always controlled by teacher, and the main participation structure of classroom was “teacher-all” students. The participation structure of “student- all” students was arranged by the teacher, which means the teacher were the leading role in the instructional procedure.國語文教學教室言談課的結構參與結構Mandarin teachingClassroom discourseLesson structureParticipation structure國小中年級的教室言談之研究-以國語文教學為例