蘇育任2014-10-272014-10-271986-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/25336根據教育心理學者張春興的研究,發現目前國中教育上普遍產生了『無力感』,結果造成校長、教師間離心離德,而失卻國中教育上應有的統整功能。教育社會學者林清江也指出:處在今天複雜的社會,教師們面臨了許許多多的新問題,備極艱辛。有一部份的教師,竟因此產生了無力感,不能夠發揮教育專業權威,來教育學生。其次在「班級教學」之型態中,教師的知識空間愈來愈狹窄,同時往昔教師具有的許多功能,如今逐漸被其他科任教師及行政人員所分擔,學校的重心逐漸由教師轉移至行政人員身上,這種變遷導致教師對學校工作產生了「無意義感」。加以社會風氣敗壞,有些教師無心教學,兼職兼差者比比皆是;又因教育人事及行政制度不健全,檢舉信涵滿天飛,貪污、控告層出不窮;教育界充斥不少夤緣倖進之徒,高超之道德風範蕩然無存,使得教師產生了「無規範感」。The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the organizational structure on teacher’s alienation in junior middle schools in the Republic of China. Organizational structure, the independent variable, was characterized by eight organizational properties. Hage’s and Aiken’s work with organizations and alienation provided the impetus for this study, while the concepts of Bishop’s bureaucratic organizational structure and Weick’s communicational organizational structure provided the special guidelines. Eighty─six Chinese public junior middle schools in Taiwan were randomly selected and 1024 teachers were then randomly sampled from these schools. Each of the respondents completed two instruments. The first, School Organizational Structure Inventory, was designed to measure perceptions of actual influences held by various organizational properties in the operations of school affairs. The second, Teacher Alienation Scale, was designed to measure the psychological state of alienation of the respondents. Collected data were analyzed using statistical techniques as T─test, One─way ANOVA, Scheff’s method for multiple comparison, Pearson’s product─moment correlation and the step─wide multiple regression analysis. The results of the investigation were as following:(1)Highly specialized, standardized and formalized schools were characterized by lower teacher alienation, and vice versa.(2)The more centralized and traditionalized the organizational structure, the more alienated the school teachers.(3)The higher “the perceptual measure of upward communication”, “the perceptual measure of administrator’s communication” and “the perceptual measure of staff cooperation and support” were scored, the lower the alienation of the teachers would be scored.(4)Significant difference of the mean scores on teacher alienation were found on the following personal characteristics of school teachers such as sex, age, school district, school size, tenure, hierarchical position, educati國民中學組織結構對教師疏離感之影響The Effects of the Organizational Structure on Teacher's Alienation in Junior Middle Schools