王宗吉林伯修Wang, Chun-ChiLin, Po-Hsiu馬玉濱Ma, Yu-Pin2019-09-052007-7-232019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0092132008%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107415中文摘要 研 究 生:馬玉濱 指導教授:王宗吉 共同指導教授:林伯修 中華民國96年6月 本研究旨在瞭解臺北市高中籃球校代表隊選手知覺的教練領導行為、團隊衝突及團隊凝聚力之現況及差異情形,其次,以典型相關分析籃球選手所知覺的教練領導行為與團隊衝突發生原因、衝突處理方式及團隊凝聚力各變項間的關係。 本研究以參加臺北市95學年度中等學校籃球錦標賽之高中籃球校代表隊全體選手為本研究的對象。修訂吳慧卿(2001)「大學校院桌球隊團隊內部運作調查問卷」編製成「臺北市高中籃球校代表隊團隊內部運作調查問卷」為研究工具,以隨機取樣方式,對受試學校進行問卷施測,發放問卷480份,回收442份,獲得有效樣本416份,有效回收率86.67%。採用信度分析、項目分析、描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後考驗、典型相關等統計方法分析,得到下列研究結果: 一、臺北市高中籃校代表隊選手知覺到教練較多的「訓練與指導」;其次,「人格特質」是造成團隊衝突的主要原因。此外,選手在面對衝突時,主要以「妥協」方式來解決團隊的衝突。同時,選手知覺團隊凝聚力各構面之平均得分情形介於3.75~4.07之間,接近於4的同意程度,顯示臺北市高中籃球校代表隊選手均有良好的團隊凝聚力及向心力。 二、不同背景變項選手知覺教練領導行為有顯著差異。其次,就衝突發生原因而言,在組別、性別、年齡、與教練相處時間、訓練頻率、學校類別等背景變項上有顯著差異存在。此外,就衝突處理方式而言,選手在背景變項的考驗,除在訓練時間上無顯著差異存在外,其餘在組別、性別、年齡、加入年數、與教練相處年數訓練頻率、學校類別上均有顯著差異存在。同時,選手知覺團隊凝聚力在組別、年齡、與教練相處年數、學校類別上有顯著差異存在。 三、以教練領導行為各構面與團隊衝突處理發生原因、團隊衝突處理方式及團隊凝聚力各構面,進行典型分析,得知選手知覺教練領導行為對團隊衝突及團隊凝聚力均具有影響力。 依據以上研究之結果,提出具體之建議,提供中等學校運動代表隊教練、運動團隊未來規劃、管理、訓練及後續研究之參考。Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand the current status and differences among coaches’ leadership behavior, team conflict and team cohesion perceived by high school basketball teams in Taipei City. Secondly, the study adopted Canonical Correlation Analysis to understand the relationship among coaches’ leadership behavior, the causes and solutions of team conflict, and team cohesion perceived by basketball players with different demographic variables. This study selected high school basketball teams in Taipei City as the sample. Revised on the basis of the article “Questionnaire of Internal Operation of University Table Tennis Teams” by Hui-Chin Wu in 2001, the researcher designed “Questionnaire of Internal Operation of High School Basketball Teams of Taipei City.” In total, 480 questionnaires were distributed to conveniently sampled subjects. Of them 416 were found usable, resulting in a response rate of 86.67%. Adopting Reliability Test, Descriptive Statistics, T test, One-way ANOVA Analysis, Scheffe’ Method and Canonical Correlation Analysis, the major findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. High school basketball players perceived more “training and instructional behavior” for their coaches. Secondly, “Characteristic of personality” was the major cause resulting in team conflict. Beside, in face of conflict, the major solution was “compromising”. Meanwhile, team cohesion perceived by the players was well. 2. There was significant difference among perceptions to coaches’ leading behaviors of players with different demographic variables. Secondly, there was significant difference of the conflicting causes existing in different teams, genders, ages, time for getting along with the coach, school classification and training frequency. Beside, there was significant difference of the solution of conflicts existing in the players with different teams, gender, ages, team-attending years, years for getting along with the coach, school classification. Meanwhile, there was significant difference of team cohesion existing in the players with different teams, ages, years for getting along with the coach, school classification. 3. Adopting Canonical Correlation Analysis with dimensions among coaches’ leadership behavior, the causes and solutions of team conflict, and team cohesion, the results showed coaches’ leadership behavior perceived by the players had influence on both team conflict and team cohesion. Finally, based on the results of this study, the implication for the coaches and players and suggestions for the future studies are discussed.臺北市高中籃球校代表隊教練領導行為衝突團隊凝聚力High School Basketball Teams in Taipei CityCoaches’ Leadership BehaviorConflictTeam Cohesion教練領導行為與團隊衝突及團隊凝聚力之研究-以臺北市高中籃球校代表隊知覺為例A Study of Coaches’ Leadership Behavior, Team Conflict and Team Cohesion-Take High School Basketball Teams in Taipei City as an Example