蕭惠貞Hsiao, Hui-Chen張庭瑄Chang, Ting-Hsuan2023-12-082028-05-232023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/625f50190ce131dd24d39743ca809715/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119045本研究旨在探討華語二語學習者,其詞彙知識、構詞覺知與句法知識於閱讀理解的影響,研究對象為 40 位中級以上的華裔華語二語學習者和40位中級以上的日籍華語二語學習者,共計80位。Hoover與Tunmer(1993)將閱讀視為為獨特且經驗獨立的組合成分。影響閱讀理解能力的因素眾多,其中Ku與Anderson(2003)發現以漢語或英語為第一語言之兒童,其構詞意識隨著語言經驗的增長而發展,且詞彙結構意識和詞彙、閱讀習得均呈顯著高度相關。研究發現:(一)華裔學習者:(1)學習者的構詞覺知、句法知識和連接詞意識都和閱讀理解有顯著中度正相關,顯示若構詞覺知、句法知識或是連接詞意識增強,閱讀理解能力也會跟著增強;(2)檢視詞彙知識、構詞覺知和句法知識對閱讀理解的影響力,發現句法知識對閱讀理解影響最大,證明句法知識為影響華裔學習者閱讀理解表現的最重要因素;(二)日籍學習者:(1)學習者的詞彙知識、構詞覺知和句法知識都和閱讀理解能力無顯著相關,但連接詞意識和閱讀理解有邊緣顯著相關;(2)檢視詞彙知識、構詞覺知和句法知識對閱讀理解的影響力,發現只有詞彙知識對閱讀理解有邊緣顯著影響,說明相較於構詞覺知和句法知識,詞彙知識更有機會影響閱讀理解表現;(三)比較兩組學習者的表現差異,發現華裔學習者的構詞覺知、連接詞意識顯著好於日籍華語學習者;而日籍華語學習者的閱讀理解則顯著好於華裔語言學習者 。總結本研究結果顯示華裔學習者在構詞覺知、連接詞意識顯著優於日籍華語學習者;而日籍華語學習者則是在閱讀理解表現顯著好於華裔語言學習者。在華裔學習者身上發現構詞覺知和句法知識都是影響閱讀理解的重要因素,但是句法知識對閱讀理解的影響力最甚。然而,有別於在華裔學習者,日籍學習者的閱讀理解和詞彙知識、構詞覺知、句法知識皆無相關,但是日籍學習者的詞彙知識對學習者的閱讀理解表現有邊緣影響力。故,本文優先建議華語教師藉由加強華裔學習者的句法知識和日籍學習者的詞彙知識來增強學生的閱讀理解能力。再者,對於華裔學習者或是日籍學習者而言,相較於詞彙知識、句法知識和閱讀理解,構詞覺知都是他們的弱項,所以本文建議華語教師應該注重構詞覺知的教學,協助提升學習者的構詞能力,確保中級以上華語學習者的構詞覺知水平不會持續落後於其他語言面向。The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of vocabulary knowledge, morphological awareness, and syntactic knowledge of Chinese second language learners on their reading comprehension. The research participants were 40 Chinese heritage learners and 40 Japanese CSL learners of intermediate or above level. Hoover and Tunmer(1993)view reading as a unique and empirically independent component. Among the factors that affect reading comprehension ability, Ku and Anderson(2003)found that in children whose first language is Chinese or English, vocabulary knowledge develops with the growth of language experience, and morphological awareness, vocabulary, and reading acquisition are all significantly and highly correlated. Tong, Deacon and Cain(2014)found that the morphological awareness and syntactic knowledge of native English speakers were related to their reading comprehension.The findings of this study revealed the following results. (1)Among Chinese learners: First, both vocabulary knowledge and syntactic knowledge were significantly positively correlated with reading comprehension. Second, syntactic knowledge had the greatest impact on reading comprehension. (2)Among Japanese learners: First, vocabulary knowledge, morphological awareness, and syntactic knowledge were not significantly related to reading comprehension. Second, vocabulary knowledge had the borderline significant influence on reading comprehension. (3)Comparing the performance of the Chinese heritage learners and Japanese CSL learners, it was found that morphological awareness and conjunction awareness of Chinese heritage learners were significantly better than that of the Japanese CSL learners; while reading comprehension of Japanese CSL learners was significantly better than that of the Chinese heritage learners.The results of this study show that both the morphological awareness and syntactic knowledge of Chinese heritage learners are important factors affecting reading comprehension, but syntactic knowledge has the greatest influence on reading comprehension. However, the reading comprehension of Japanese CSL learners has no correlation with vocabulary knowledge, morphological awareness, or syntactic knowledge, but it shows that vocabulary knowledge has a trend toward significantly affect reading comprehension. These findings suggest that in practical application, in order to improve reading comprehension, Chinese teachers should focus on developing syntactic knowledge of Chinese heritage learners and vocabulary knowledge of Japanese CSL learners. In the meantime, Chinese teacher should assist learners in developing their morphological awareness to prevent this ability continuously fall behind from other abilities.閱讀理解構詞覺知詞彙知識句法知識reading comprehensionmorphological awarenessvocabulary knowledgesyntactic knowledge不同國籍學習者之閱讀理解表現探究-以華裔和日籍學習者為例Reading Comprehension of Chinese Learners in Different L1 Backgrounds: A Case Study of Chinese Heritage Learners and Japanese CSL Learnersetd