李秀鳳Hsiu-Feng Lee2014-10-272014-10-272013-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30240十二年國民基本教育入學新制預定103年全面實施。值此制度變革之際,運用Foucault所提出的論述實踐和論述形構概念, 分析不同身分立場公聽會參與者, 就「平等導向」及「菁英導向」不同導向對入學制度之論述。分析文本以十二年國民基本教育實施計畫公聽會錄音文本為主,並輔以公聽會手冊資料文本、相關新聞報導文本、十二年國民基本教育實施計畫、入學方式細部規定暨相關說帖之政策文本。研究發現平等導向及菁英導向的入學制度論述,隨著論述主體的立場及發話位置不同,將原本指涉龐雜的入學制度改革語言,簡化稀釋為教育資源差異、升學機會均等與學生受教選擇權三大主軸,並以入學方式改革作為一種中介語言,分析高中職設置分布不均態樣多元、先高中後高職的價值取向、經濟效益考量的公校優先、平等導向的免試入學及菁英導向的特色招生等論述構面。進而建議:(一)主管機關於參採各方意見時,應審慎衡量論述主體所呈現的菁英權力近用優勢,衡平考量一般與弱勢族群權益;(二)充分體察家長及學生企求優質教育環境的期望,使「好高中不只一所」,並讓「高中」、「高職」各自成為學生適性發展下的首選。(三)讓所謂的菁英/明星學校以特色課程發展吸引各式人才,非僅憑藉考試制度保障,輕鬆擷取學科智育優異的學生,偏廢高職菁英人才。(四)以多元導向的教育觀點,肯定明星學校存在的價值,鼓勵更多的學校成為多樣他明星,以提供學生優質適性的學習環境。The National Twelve-Year Basic Education System is expected to be put into practice in 2014. Among the transformation of the system, to analyze the public hearing participates' discourses from different status and standpoints about "equality guidance" and "elite guidance" for entrance system by using the concepts of discursive practice and discursive formation brought up by Foucault. Analyzed texts is based on public hearing records of the National Twelve-Year Basic Education System execution plan, and supplied by the texts of public hearing handbooks, relevant news reports, the National Twelve-Year Basic Education System execution plan, detailed regulations of entrance methods and texts of white paper of relevant policies. The study shows that the discourses about entrance system of equality guidance and elite guidance are simplified from the complicated language of reformation of entrance system into three main axes, namely the difference of educational resource, equality of educational opportunity and the student's optional right of being taught, as the difference between the standpoints and speak-position of different discursive subjects. Further, to analyze the discourses, such as the uneven establishment of high school and vocational high school, diverse types, value orientation with regard to value the high school more than vocational high school, public school priority considering by cost-effective, open admission based on equality guidance, and enrollment character based on elite guidance, by using the reformation of entrance method as an interlanguage. Furthermore, the following suggestion are provided therein: (1) when collecting around the comments, regulatory authority shall balance the advantageous positions held by elite power of discursive subjects with the rights of general public and disadvantaged minority;. (2) thoroughly exam and investigate the expectations of parents and students for the quality education environment, in order to make more than十二年國民基本教育入學制度平等導向菁英導向論述分析the National Twelve-Year Basic Education SystemEntrance SystemEquality GuidanceElite GuidanceDiscursive Analysis十二年國民基本教育入學制度平等導向與菁英導向的論述分析Discursive Analysis about the Equality Guidance and Elite Guidance of Entrance System of the National Twelve-Year Basic Education System