劉以德Liu, Yi-De涂雅喬Tu, Ya-Chiao2019-08-282014-7-102019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699820057%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85953在現今全球各城市發展中,『創意』為許多都市政策的焦點。此研究背景在於巴塞隆納的都市更新與觀光相互依存的複雜關係,以及該城市從文化觀光中心論述轉變而來的新創意觀光模式。本研究的目的在於概念化城市中的創意元素以及探究市中的觀光焦點如何從文化觀光轉變為創意觀光。 此研究旨在探究巴塞隆納的創意觀光發展,並採取理論性架構來檢視該城市的觀光產業以及觀光政策。依據巴塞隆納的實際例子,採集的資料將會被放進三個主要框架中檢視,即創意節慶、創意空間、以及創意觀光。本研究採取個案研究之方法,將巴賽隆納市的實例,依據上述三項主題逐一探究。研究同時也採用文化創意產業策略、創意城市策略、以及創意階級之論述,融入創意觀光之發展的討論,以期能開啟創意觀光中關於節慶、地方、觀光以及創意之間的關係。Creativity is now in the centre of spotlight in urban policy for many cities around the world. The background of this study is to identify interdependences among urban regeneration and tourism in the city of Barcelona, followed by the debates of how creative tourism evolves from cultural tourism. The purpose of this study is to conceptualise creativity in an urban context and examine the trajectory of tourism industry’s focus shifting from culture to creativity. This study will probe into the creative tourism development and adopt a theoretical framework to observe the tourism industry and tourism policy in the city of Barcelona. With analysis of empirical evidences in Barcelona, data will be put under three categories: 1) creative events, 2) creative places, and 3) creative tourism to further examine and evaluate the creative tourism experiences in Barcelona. Associated with case study, this study is aimed at exploring evidences in abovementioned three dimensions of creative tourism. Along with creative industries strategy, creative city approach, and the creative class discourse, it will conceptualise and discover the intricate interrelationship among events, places, tourism, and creativity.創意觀光創意空間創意奇觀文化政策巴塞隆納文化觀光Creative TourismCreative SpacesCreative SpectaclesCultural PolicyBarcelonaCreativity創意與觀光: 巴塞隆納經驗之個案探究Creativity and Tourism: The Experience of Barcelona