陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih陳昀襄Chen, Yun-Hsiang2020-12-142020-04-062020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060601008E%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110306過去研究發現,人格特質、嘲笑風格與幸福感兩兩之間皆有直接或間接的關聯,然而目前少有研究是針對三者之間的關係來作探討。本研究目的在於探討臺灣大學生人格特質、嘲笑風格與幸福感之間的關聯,並且進一步檢驗嘲笑風格對五大人格特質與幸福感的中介效果。研究對象為臺灣大學生共381位。研究方法採用網路問卷調查的方式進行便利取樣,參與者總共會完成三個量表,分別是「五大人格量表」、「嘲笑風格量表」與「幸福感量表」。主要研究結果發現如下:1.人格特質中的外向性、開放性與情緒穩定性,以及嘲笑風格中的喜笑人在性別上有顯著差異,男性顯著高於女性;幸福感在性別上則無顯著差異。另一方面,人格特質、幸福感與嘲笑風格在年級上均無顯著差異。2.五大人格特質皆與幸福感有顯著正相關;嘲笑風格中的怕被笑與幸福感有顯著負相關,喜被笑與幸福感則有顯著正相關。3.怕被笑對於人格特質中的嚴謹性、外向性、友善性及情緒穩定性與幸福感之間的關聯有顯著的部分中介效果,而喜被笑則對於人格特質中的開放性與幸福感的關聯有顯著的部分中介效果。研究結果發現,大學生人格特質,會透過怕被笑與喜被笑間接影響幸福感。最後,建議學校教師以及助人工作者能在教育現場引導學生認識自己使用的嘲笑風格,以及其所帶來的效果與影響,將會協助學生增進與同儕間的互動與幸福感。Past research has found that there is a direct or indirect correlation between personality traits, Pho-Phi-Kat and Well-Being. However, few studies have focused on the relationship between the three. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between personality traits, Pho-Phi-Kat and Well-Being in Taiwanese college students, and to further examine the mediating effects of the three Pho-Phi-Kat on different personality traits and Well-Being. 381 participants completed a total of three subscales online: “Big-Five mini-markers”, “PhoPhiKat-TC” and “Mental Health Continuum Short Form”. The main findings are as follows: 1. Male college students significantly receive higher scores in “extroversion”, “openness to experience”, “neuroticism” and “katagelasticism” than females. On the other hand, there was not significant differences in the Well-Being, and there was not significant differences in the personality traits, Well-Being and Pho-Phi-Kat of Taiwanese college students’ grade, too. 2. The Big-Five personality traits of Taiwanese college students were significantly positive related to Well-Being. The “gelotophobia” of Taiwanese college students were significantly negative related to Well-Being. And the “gelotophilia” of Taiwanese college students were significantly positive related to Well-Being. 3. “Gelotophobia” has a significant mediating effect between the personal traits of “extroversion” , “conscientiousness” , “agreeableness” and "emotional stability" and “neuroticism”. “Gelotophilia” has a significant mediating effect between the personal traits of “openness to experience” and Well-Being. The conclusion is, the personality traits of college students will indirectly affect Well-Being through “gelotophobia” and “gelotophilia”. Finally, it is recommended that school teachers and helping professions can guide students to understand the PhoPhiKat they use, the effects and the influences they bring to the other students. This will help students to enhance their interaction and happiness with their peers.中介效果五大人格特質幸福感嘲笑風格Big-Five personality traitsMediation effectPho-Phi-KatWell-Being大學生人格特質與幸福感之關係研究:以嘲笑風格為中介變項The Effect of Well-Being on Personality Traits among College students: Pho-Phi-Kat as a Mediator