國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系徐昊杲鄭慶民彭婉欣施慧玲2014-10-302014-10-302007-06-06http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/35122本研究旨在針對輪調式建教合作學分採計之主體架構與內涵進行探討與改進,首先,採用「文件分析法」,蒐集文件資料,彙整與輪調式建教合作相關之期刊、論文及重要法規命令,輔以近年召開相關會議之會議資料,進行整理分析作為初步瞭解各辦理學校暨其合作事業機構實際運作狀況。進而以「專家諮詢會議」蒐集各界意見及資料,針對學分採計之主體架構、內涵及研究過程中相關問題提供意見與建議。本研究獲得之結論:(1)將輪調式建教合作學分之主體架構,調整涵蓋為學校學業學分128-132學分、基礎訓練學分4-12學分、職場學分18-30學分、補充訓練學分1-18學分及證照學分6學分。(2)經規劃、探討及分析後,輪調式建教合作學分之主體架構已獲得內涵之認定。(3)輪調式建教合作學分之主體架構經各項相關會議確認後,供往後辦理輪調式建教合作之各校採計學分之依據。The purpose of this study was to improve and discuss the main parts of the structure and the implications on credits in the Rotary Co-operative Education Programs(RCEP). Firstly, we adopt "document Analysis" to collect data, and then we marshal journal, statutorily and conference notes…etc, about the Rotary Co-operative Education Program, to analyze preliminary. In addition, we collect animadversion and information by "expert opinions". We suggest our judgment and focus the main parts of the structure and the implications on credits. Conclusions of this study include: 1. The main parts of the structure and the implications on credits in the RCEP, we adjust school credits to 128-132 units, basic training credits to 4-12 units, vocation credits to 18-30 units, complementary training credits and license credits to 6 units 2. The implications on credits in the RCEP are already identified. 3. The recommendations were made for the government, schools and co-operative companies in setting up regulations of the RCEP and assurance of trainee's rights, and in reinforcing the relationship between schools and companies and in helping settle trainees down.輪調式建教合作學分採計學年學分制 Rotary co-operative education program (RCEP)Identify creditCredit-based system我國高職輪調式建教合作學分採計之研究