葉耀明王鼎元2019-08-292006-8-162019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693080394%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92925隨著資訊科技的普及和進步,數位學習無論在學校教育或企業訓練上皆是不可避免的趨勢,而隨著SCORM數位學習規範的推動,各式各樣的教材和平台也被開發出來。而在身心障礙者權益更受重視的今日,關於身心障礙者的適性化數位學習機制也漸漸地成為討論議題。在此背景下,除了數位學習平台需要符合無障礙網頁開發規範,以讓身心障礙者更容易取得網頁資訊外,數位教材應該如何組合、設計以及呈現也是身心障礙者能否確實享受到數位學習好處的關鍵。 本研究整合SCORM執行環境和SCORM課程庫,以實現動態學習順序的理念:以順序組件的概念,將學習導覽與課程內容依據SCORM標準包裝成許多順序組件,藉由事件管理模型改變各順序組件的排列方式,讓學習平台能依據身心障礙學習者的能力和學習狀況主動地改變學習者的學習路徑,達成適性化學習的效果。此外本研究亦以IMS學習者資訊封包為基礎,提出身心障礙者數位學習護照之概念,並將此概念實作在系統中,實現平台依學習者障別自動分流的構想。整體研究改善了現有數位學習平台與教材的不足,並提出一套新的身心障礙者數位學習機制,其成果預期將有助於提升身心障礙者在數位學習上的學習成效。With the popularization and progress of information technology, e-Learning is an unavoidable trend for both school education and enterprises training. Digital courseware and e-Learning platform are developed using SCORM e-Learning standard. Today, the rights to access the information for disabled are gaining more attention, therefore to develop an accessible e-Learning mechanism for disabled has become an interesting topic too. Under this background, an accessible e-Learning platform for disabled needs to comply with the “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines” such that the disabled can access courseware easily. In addition, an successful courseware for disabled should consider accessible presentation and personalized learning sequence. This research combines SCORM Run-Time environment and SCORM courseware repository to realize the idea of the dynamic learning sequence for disabled. We use the concept of simple sequencing in SCORM standard to pack the courseware into dynamic branches of sequence components. We also develop the event management model to control the pushing of courseware according to the learning behavior of the disabled students. Besides, this research also proposes the LIP (Learner Information Package) for disabled based on IMS LIP standard. Our LIP scheme considers disabled type, operation constraints, and learning characteristics, witch can be a cross platform e-Learning passport for disabled. Finally, we implement our proposed concepts to validate that an e-Learning platform for disabled can provide a personalized learning sequence for various types of disabled students. Our works have improved the existing e-Learning platform and courseware, putting forward a set of new disability e-Learning mechanisms. Its achievement is expected to contribute to improving the study effect on e-Learning for disabled students.身心障礙者身心障礙者數位學習護照順序組件適性化數位學習學習者資訊封包學習順序disabilityadaptere-Learninglearner information packagestudy sequence整合身心障礙者適性化數位學習與SCORM課程庫之研究Research on the integration of adaptive e-learning for disabled and the SCORM courseware repository