曾淑賢劉仁翔2019-08-282012-2-162019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097153105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89134公共圖書館所提供的服務,不因為種族、國籍、年齡、性別、宗教、語言、身心障礙、經濟狀況及教育程度等不同而服務有所差別。臺灣與其他歐美國家相同,因為社會變遷,移民人口逐漸增多,而漸漸形成一個多元文化社會。因此,公共圖書館如何透過合作的方式進行多元文化服務的提供,是目前國內外公共圖書館所積極推動的。 本研究目的旨在:(1)了解國內公共圖書館推行多元文化服務的困境;(2)分析國內外公共圖書館多元文化服務發展政策;(3)探討國外公共圖書館之合作提供多元文化服務及發展館藏之機制;(4)藉由探討國外合作之模式,提出國內公共圖書館合作提供多元文化服務之策略及方案。 本論文採用立意抽樣法,進行深度訪談。訪談人員依層級分類,包含大型公共圖書館、縣市文化局圖書館,以及鄉鎮圖書館,並訪談有多元文化館藏徵集經驗之書商,瞭解其進行情形及困難之處。研究結果顯示:國內公共圖書館進行多元文化服務所遭遇之困難,計有三大類:(1)新移民本身背景因素 (2)圖書館本身服務能力因素 (3)影響新移民族群利用圖書館的因素。而進行多元文化服務急需之協助,計四大項:(1)更多資源的挹注 (2)使用調查研究之進行 (3)成立統籌單位,進行整體性之規劃(4)中央有一貫性政策,地方積極支持。 根據研究結果,並參考國外合作之經驗,本研究除針對合作採訪/編目、館際互借、館藏巡迴及其他合作方式提出具體建議方案外,並分別針對建議公共圖書館之主管機關教育部、位居公共圖書館輔導任務之機關,及圖書館相關學會等提出建議。The services of the public library are provided on the basis of access for all, regardless of age, race, sex, religion, nationality, language or social status. Like the other foreign countries, a multicultural society is formed in Taiwan because of the growing population of immigrants. Hence, how to provide multicultural services by cooperating with each other is what the public libraries are working on. The aims of this study are (1) to investigate the difficulties of offering multicultural services in the public libraries in Taiwan; (2) to analyze the development of multicultural service overseas; (3) to find a multicultural service model using cooperative plans in the public libraries overseas; (4) to suggest the public libraries in Taiwan the strategies of offering multicultural services After interviewing the public libraries and the book dealers in Taiwan, the result shows three difficulties: (1) the factor of new immigrants; (2) the factor of libraries; (3) the factor of how the immigrants use libraries. And what the public libraries need are: (1) more resources; (2) more studies of new immigrants using public libraries; (3) an integrated center of public libraries; (4) a consistent plan from central government and the cooperation of local libraries. The research findings offer useful suggestions for Ministry of Education, the guidance organization of public libraries, and the library associations when providing multicultural services.公共圖書館多元文化服務館際合作新移民Public LibraryMulticultural ServicesInterlibrary CooperationNew Immigrants公共圖書館合作提供多元文化服務A Study of Public Library Cooperation on the Multicultural Services