洪榮昭劉秀丹Hong, Jon-ChaoLiu, Hsiu-Tan魏如君Wei, Ju-Chun2023-12-082023-07-202023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/865ae25617f2cd25a8f0357235864ea1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119347臺灣手語納入國家語言,學習手語的人數越來越多,然而,手語語言的獨特結構使得學習不易,手語師資人數有限,學習管道亦缺乏。數位科技時代的來臨不僅對生活產生了影響,對手語學習方式亦可產生新的刺激。本研究的目的在於探討數位遊戲App在手語學習的成效,研究者設計一款數位遊戲App,以手語的三大要素手形、位置、移動設計成三個線索,提供使用者透過手語聯想遊戲答題學習手語,並與使用傳統手語學習影片者為對照,進行學習成效包含學習表現、學習興趣、自我效能、認知負荷之比較。本研究採準實驗設計研究,將手語聯想遊戲App作為實驗組,手語學習影片為對照組,以國小四年級與國中八年級學生為研究對象,使用者在學習20個手語辭彙後進行學習表現測驗與填答學習興趣、自我效能、認知負荷等問卷,有效問卷收取196份。本研究使用統計軟體SPSS進行,採獨立樣本t檢定與Two-way ANOVA二因子變異數分析,探討實驗組和控制組不同年級之學習成效差異。結果顯示:(一)學習表現方面,四年級使用手語學習影片效果優於手語聯想遊戲。(二)學習興趣方面,實驗組與對照組沒有顯著差異,四年級學習興趣顯著高於八年級。(三)自我效能方面,對照組與實驗組沒有顯著差異。(四)認知負荷方面,對照組與實驗組沒有顯著差異。根據研究結果發現,本研究設計之手語聯想遊戲App是以邏輯推想的方式學習,於皮亞傑認知發展理論中屬於形式運思,手語學習影片直接觀看手語全貌之方式屬於具體運思,對於四年級處於具體運思期兒童而言,手語學習影片的學習表現優於手語聯想遊戲App亦驗證了皮亞傑認知發展理論。本研究針對手語學習之貢獻以及未來提供建議為:(一)應用數位科技開發更多臺灣手語的自學工具,針對中年級可錄製更多手語學習影片,國中學習者則可開發手語數位遊戲。(二)中年級以下學生若透過直觀的視覺體驗方式學習手語,將有更好的學習表現。The inclusion of Taiwanese Sign Language (TSL) as a national language has led to an increasing number of people to learn sign language. However, the unique features of sign language poses challenges to learning, and there is a limited number of qualified sign language instructors, as well as a lack of learning resources. Under these gaps, there is a need to use advanced approaches to provide new opportunities for sign language learning. This study aims to explore the learning effectiveness in using different approach in sign language learning. The present study applied an association thinking digital game app to compare video watching to learn sign lanaguge. The association game ecompasses three key cues of sign language (i.e., handshape, location, and movement) for learners to link together to select the meaning of a sign. A comparative analysis was be conducted between learners of using App and traditional sign language videos to assess their learning performance, learning interest, self-efficacy, and cognitive load.The study employed a quasi-experimental design, with the sign language associative gaming app serving as the experimental group and sign language learning videos as the control group. Participants included fourth-grade elementary school students and eighth-grade junior high school students. After learning 20 sign language vocabulary items, learning performance tests and questionnaires such as learning interest, self-efficacy, and cognitive load were delivered to participants. A total of 196 valid questionnaires were collected.Data analysis was conducted using SPSS statistical software. Independent samples t-tests and two-way ANOVA were employed to examine the differences in learning outcomes between the experimental and control groups, as well as among different grade levels. The results indicated the following: (1) Regarding learning performance, fourth-grade students using sign language learning videos outperformed those using the sign language associative gaming App. (2) In terms of learning interest, there was no significant difference between two instrument used groups, but the age made different, that is, fourth-grade students displayed significantly higher learning interest than eighth-grade students. (3) Regarding self-efficacy, there was no significant difference between two groups. (4) Regarding cognitive load, there was no significant difference between two groups. According to the findings of the study, the sign language associative gaming app designed in this research facilitates learning through logical reasoning, which falls under Piaget's theory of cognitive development as formal operation stage. On the other hand, learning sign language through direct observation of sign language videos represents a concrete operational approach. For fourth-grade children in the concrete operational stage, the infereior learning performance with sign language learning videos compared to eight graders. The contributions of this research to sign language learning are suggested: (1) Further integration of association thinking in a game can be applied to develop more for whom can self-learning in Taiwanese Sign Language. (2) More videos can be used for under fouth graders, and association thinking game can be appliec to junior high school learners in sign language learning.臺灣手語數位學習學習表現學習興趣自我效能認知負荷Taiwanese sign languagDigital learningLearning performanceLearning interestSelf-efficacy theoryCognitive load數位遊戲與影片在手語詞彙學習之成效比較:學習表現、學習興趣、自我效能、認知負荷等之差異Comparing the Learning Effectiveness of a Digital Game and Videos in Sign Language Learning: Analysis of Differences in Learning Performance, Learning Interest, Self-efficacy, Learning Confidenceetd