國立臺灣師範大學管理研究所蕭中強簡怡雯梁貫御2016-06-032016-06-032010-08-010255-9838http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78938在既有與評價修正相關的研究中,來自於實驗者的外部指示往往被用於引發評價修正。然而在一般的行銷情境中,行銷管理者或廣告業者並不會主動提供相關資訊以降低其意圖操弄之勸服效果:本研究旨在探究促使消費者自發性地引發評價修正之相關因子及其作用,本研究提出當人們具有較高的涉入於正確評價並且能夠確認偏誤來源及其影響時,人們對產品的評價,即很可能會主動排除其所察覺之偏誤影響,而不需經由外部指示。此二因子若缺其一,則無法啟動自發性評價修正,本研究於兩項消費者情境中驗證此二因子模式,實驗-(72位受測者)證實情緒對產品評價之影響,會因自發性之谝誤修正而反向變動,而廣告代書人對產品評價之正向影響,也在實鹼二(150位受測者)中,證實會經由因自發性之偏誤修正而倒置,此研究不僅補足僱誤縿正文敷中,誘發機制之研究;亦對行銷實務(如操弄情緒或代言人)之應用,提出過去未曾採用之新觀念。The past correction studies have generally employed the external instructions in experimental settings to induce correction processes. However, in the natural marketing settings, marketing practitioners or advertisers are less likely to provide bias relevant information to invalidate the manipulated persuasive effects. The current research is aimed at explicating the factors which may determine whether consumers are able to self-activate a correction process. We posit that consumers may spontaneously activate a judgmental correction to remove perceived biases from product judgments when they can identify the biasing factors and when their involvement to make accurate judgments is high. The absence of either factor will not invoke self activated correction. This two-factor correction process is tested in two consumer settings. .Study I (72 participants) demonstrated that the typical mood effect on product impressions might be reversed due to the self activated correction. And the general positive endorser effect was should to be inverted in Study 2 (150 participants). The current research not only complements the theoretical mechanisms in the studies of bias correction, but also provides new insights to the managerial implications (e.g., manipulation of mood or celebrity endorser) on marketing practices.自發性偏誤修正涉入偏誤確認產品評價Self-activated correctionInvolvementBias identificationProduct judgmentA Two-Factor Explanation of Consumers' Self-Activated Bias Correction in Product Judgment