鄭志富許義雄Cheng, Chih-FuHsu, I-Hsiung曾鈺倫Tseng, Yu-Lun2019-09-052015-12-222019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060030969A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105505本研究旨在探討觀眾對「逆轉勝:臺灣棒球特展」之涉入程度、知覺價值與行為意圖間之關係,並選擇以實際來參觀「逆轉勝:臺灣棒球特展」之觀眾為研究對象,並於2014年4月9日至2014年4月12日,透過問卷調查法得有效問卷390份,進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與多元逐步迴歸等統計方式進行資料分析,所得結論如下: 一、「逆轉勝:臺灣棒球特展」觀眾的身分背景為男女各半、21~30歲、居住於南部、大學(專科)學歷、月收入為10000元以下、與家人、親戚同行、以入館得知為多數,顯示本研究之觀眾主要以參觀主辦博物館、居住於南部的大學畢業青壯年為主。 二、「逆轉勝:臺灣棒球特展」觀眾在涉入程度、知覺價值與行為意圖評價介於「普通」到「同意」之間,屬於中等以上之程度,但仍有提升空間。 三、「逆轉勝:臺灣棒球特展」觀眾之性別與獲取資訊方式會影響其涉入程度,而性別、每月收入、同行者與獲取資訊方式會影響其行為意圖。 四、「逆轉勝:臺灣棒球特展」觀眾之涉入程度、知覺價值與行為意圖間皆具正向解釋力,意味觀眾的涉入程度影響知覺價值的形成;知覺價值感受在後續的行為意圖產生影響;涉入程度高低對於未來的行為意圖具有影響力。 基於上述結論,建議主辦單位可將此研究結果作為未來籌設之參考依據,若觀眾擁有高度涉入程度,將影響其知覺價值與未來行為意圖,有利於未來運動相關特展之籌設與發展。而針對未來研究,建議以質量並重方式,或是進行縱向研究,深化研究內涵。The purpose of this study was to explore spectators’ reactions after attending “Comeback Victory: Baseball in Taiwan” exhibition from 9th of April, 2014 to 12th of April, 2014. A questionnaire was to explore the relationship among involvement, perceived value, and behavioral intention. A total of 390 spectators were selected to participate in this study for the quantitative survey. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis were performed to analyze the collected data. The results are as following: 1.The main groups of spectators were male and female, between 21 to 30 years old, lives in the south, college graduates, monthly income under 10,000 NT dollars. Mostly, the spectators come with family or relatives. However, they don’t know what the exhibition is until they arrive. 2.The extent of involvement, perceived value, and behavioral intention among spectators were between “fair” and “agree” were higher than average in this study. 3. The spectators’ gender can the way they receive the information can positively influence the extent of involvement; gender, monthly income, companion and the way they receive the information can positively influence behavioral intention. 4. Spectators’ involvement can positively influence perceived value and behavioral intention, indicating that the extent of spectators’ involvement is the factors forming perceived value; spectators’ perceived value can positively influence behavioral intention; the extent of spectators’ involvement can positively influence behavioral intention. Based on the research results, it is suggested that the host can develop operating strategy to get spectators more involved in the exhibition. Also, it is recommended future research can employ qualitative and quantitative method, or longitudinal study to explore the meaning of the relationship.博物館展覽運動特展棒球涉入程度知覺價值行為意圖museum exhibitionsports exhibitionbaseballthe extent of involvementperceived valuedbehavioral intention觀眾涉入程度、知覺價值與行為意圖關係之研究-以「逆轉勝:臺灣棒球特展」為例The exploration of the relationship among spectators’ involvement, perceived valued and behavioral intention- a case study of“Comeback Victory: Baseball in Taiwan” Exhibition