張正芬教授王鳳慈2019-08-282008-08-012019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593091202%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91606本研究旨在探討情緒教學增進高功能自閉症學生情緒適應能力與類化,同時欲提升教師教學上的專業知能。研究者選取一位高功能自閉症學生進行情緒教學,並採取行動研究法,透過親師訪談、情緒適應能力檢核表、情緒表現及問題解決記錄表和研究者觀察,以評估其情緒適應能力與類化表現。情緒教學內容包含情緒辨識、情緒解讀與問題解決策略三個部分,研究者將教學過程分為三個階段,初始階段、中期階段和後期階段,並針對各階段的教學實施情形、親師對話、學習表現與類化成效進行修正與因應。研究結果發現: 1.情緒教學能增進高功能自閉症學生情緒適應能力 2.家長與導師成為共同參與者的角色有助於類化成效 3.情緒教學在執行、成效與合作等得到導師、家長與學生的認同 4.情緒教學的執行與修正對研究者具有正向的成長 5.與家長及導師的合作過程增進教學者的親師互動技巧 根據研究結果,研究者提供情緒教學實務建議: 1.情緒教學的層次可供未來實務教學工作者參考 2.宜將情緒適應能力做細小切割,以利自閉症學生學習 3.加強因錯誤信念引起情緒的教學 4.增加非預期事件的教學 5.增加課堂外情境練習的機會 6.延長類化的時間 7.加強理解事件先後順序的訓練 8.家長與導師的相互合作 除上述建議外,並提供相關研究的建議,以供未來進一步研究之參考。The present research is directed to study the effect of emotional teaching on enhancing the emotional adjustment ability and generalization of high functional autism students; and at the mean time enhancing the professional knowledge and ability of the teachers. The researcher selects a high functional autism student on whom the emotional teaching is to be performed and takes the action research method which evaluates the student’s emotional adjustment ability and generalization performance via parents/teacher interviews, emotional adjustment checklist, emotional expression and problem solving records, and researcher observation. The emotional teaching comprises three parts including emotion recognition, emotion reading and problem-solving strategies. The researcher divides the teaching processes into threephases: Initial phase, intermediate phase and later phase, and then modifies and adjusts the research direction in accordance with the practical teaching situation in each phase, parents/teacher talks, learning performance and generalization results. The research discovers that: 1.Emotion teaching enhances the emotional adjustment ability of high functional autism students. 2.A joint-participant-role played by both of the parents and the teacher helps facilitate generalization. 3.The execution, result and cooperation of emotional teaching are recognized by the teacher, parents and student. 4.The execution and modification have a positive impact on the researchers. 5.During the process of working with the parents, the teacher’s interactive communication skill to work with the parents is enhanced. In accordance with the result of the research, the researcher provides the following suggestions on the practice of emotional teaching: 1.The aspects of emotional teaching can be used as a reference for future practice. 2.It is suggested that the teaching of emotional adjustment ability be divided into small segments, so as to facilitate the learning of autism students. 3.Strengthen the false belief-based emotion teaching. 4.Increase un-expected-incidents teaching. 5.Increase opportunities of extra-curriculum scenario practicing. 6.Lengthen the generalization practice. 7.Enhance the training on understanding the sequence of events. 8.The mutual cooperation between parents and teachers. In addition to the above-mentioned suggestions, some other relevant suggestions are provided as a reference for future study.高功能自閉症情緒教學情緒適應類化high functional autismemotional teachingemotional adjustmentgeneralization情緒教學對增進高功能自閉症學生情緒適應之行動研究