梁桂嘉Liang, Robert KC黃瀞葳Huang, Jing-Wei2019-09-052018-08-102019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005682131%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/102935廚房可說是家中不可或缺的一部分,是家中的心臟,也是家的重心所在。隨著時代的變遷,廚房早已不是女性們的主場,也不是早期舊有觀念:「男主外,女主內」、「廚房是用水用火的地方,很危險,一再叮嚀小孩不可進入。」現今可透過設計規劃,讓廚房不再是高溫濕熱且油煙滿佈的環境,而是以良好的規劃、思考各個年齡層及以不同族群使用者的角度來進行設計及施工。本研究欲以「通用設計」的理念及原則來套入廚房的設計規劃,將廚房創造成一個不分年齡層、適合所有人,兼具休閒娛樂、親子互動、及親朋好友聚會的場域。 首先藉由搜集相關文獻,特別是國內外居住空間通用設計規範/指南中針對廚房的建議;其次再以案例分析、專家訪談及問卷調查等研究方法,除了了解目前國人使用廚房的現況、環境、使用行為外,再探討廚具廠商對全齡化通用廚房的設計及建議。綜合前述之研究方法,歸納出全齡化通用廚房的設計方針,以作為設計師及使用者於廚房設計及改建時的參考依據。 研究調查發現,大致分為三方向: 1.廚房的工作台高度應以主要的廚房使用者為主,依其身高、行動能力來訂定廚房工作台的高度;雖然市面上有電動升降設備可調整工作台高度,但考慮其費用、未來的維護保養等問題,較不建議使用。 2.一般使用者及輪椅使用者適合尺度不同且落差大,較無法達到使用上的公平性,故建議兩者需就尺度部分,分別探討各自適合的全齡化通用廚房設計要點。 3.國人對於開放式廚房的選擇雖然有較多的趨勢,但仍會受油煙問題、是否能變動隔局等因素影響而維持原有的隔局,故要思考如何在獨立式廚房的隔局下,將廚房改造成一個能夠同樂共享的全齡化通用廚房。 關鍵字:通用設計、廚房設計、全齡化通用廚房、居住空間通用設計規範/指南Kitchen is one of the most important parts of our home, indispensable to a home, and a center of a home as well. Along with rapid development of the society, women are not the only user in kitchen. Not as an old saying said “Men are bread winners, women are housekeepers.” Or kitchen can easily be a dangerous place where young children are not allowed. Currently kitchen can be designed and constructed by detailed planning, understanding of all users’ needs, including different ages and groups to avoid high temperature, humid and smoking environment. The research intends to adopt the concept and principle of “Universal Design” into the design and planning for kitchen, and would like to create a kitchen with entertainment, Parent-Child interaction and friends gathering environment. Firstly, the literature discussion of Universal Design and its design guideline of Universal Design for Homes from Taiwan and other countries which had been issued and published. Secondly, the case studies of Universal Design for kitchen from kitchen companies, kitchen magazines in Taiwan and other countries to comprehend their practical application. Thirdly, expert interviews: in order to know how kitchen experts work and design for kitchens with the concepts of Universal Design. Finally, get the information of current kitchen environment, obstacles in kitchen, and operation behaviors from users by using questionnaires. Based on above mentioned research methods, the research will be specifically clarified design principles of Universal Design for Kitchen. The principles are not prescriptive, but provide a flexible framework for designers and users to apply the principles to all kitchen types in existing building or new-build. The research comes out three findings: 1.The height of countertop should be considered users’ height and physical ability. Even an adjustable countertop can be set at the best height for all household members or accommodated the needs of an individual throughout the lifespan, but not recommended to use it due to its price, maintenances and other points. 2.There is a scale difference between general users and people in wheelchair, which is not easy to be equitable in use. It is better to discuss and develop the design principles of Universal Design for Kitchen in two different aspects. 3.Although a growing number of people prefer open kitchen recently, but the problem of kitchen smoke, or position of kitchen can be changed or not, may influence the kitchen type. Most kitchens in Taiwan are I-Shape and placed in a room independently where should be considered how to create an enjoyable, entertaining and sharing Universal Design Kitchen. Keywords: Universal Design, Kitchen Design, Universal Design for Kitchen, Design Guidelines for Universal Design Homes/Universal Design Guidelines for Homes.通用設計廚房設計全齡化通用廚房居住空間通用設計規範/指南Universal DesignKitchen DesignUniversal Design for KitchenDesign Guidelines for Universal Design HomesUniversal Design Guidelines for Homes全齡化通用廚房之研究與創作The Research and Creation of Universal Design for Kitchen