蔣旭政Chiang, Hsu-Cheng吳姝霆Wu, Shu-Ting2019-08-282019-09-192019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060488027I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85128新興電子的知識經濟以及全球資訊社會的轉型成為近年來社會和經濟的發展重心,隨之而來的行動裝置普及和科技技術進步讓廣告的形態有了更多可能性。廣告產業在這些年不斷發展中已越來越高度依賴科技,其中擴增實境技術的普及讓廣告主有更多可以發揮的空間和條件,因此有眾多企業將擴增實境作為廣告形式的參考並加以應用。對於此新型廣告形式,過往的文獻較少探討,學術界缺乏擴增實境互動廣告類的研究,因此本研究著重在互動廣告擴增實境中內容呈現方式對廣告效果的影響。 本研究採用實驗法,以擴增實境應用程式為載體。共有三個自變項:產品涉入度(高/低),互動性(高/低),廣告訴求(理性/感性),應變項為廣告效果,包括消費者的廣告態度,品牌態度和購買意願。邀請總計241位受測者觀看和與擴增實境應用上的廣告互動。受試者分為8組,每組體驗的廣告內容在產品涉入度,互動性和廣告訴求上有差別。研究結果發現在產品涉入度和廣告訴求有較強的交互作用。在高產品涉入度下,理性訴求的廣告效果好於感性訴求,而在低產品涉入度下,感性訴求的廣告效果好於理性訴求。此外也發現在品牌態度上,高互動性的廣告中,理性訴求優於感性訴求,而在低互動性的廣告中則相反。結果顯示三個自變項的交互效果未能達到顯著。結果對於研究和實踐上的啟示也納入討論中。The transformation of emerging electronic knowledge economy and global information society become the development focus of society and economy, and the popularization of mobile devices and technological progress has made more possibilities for advertising forms. Advertising business grows with its dependency on technology, within which the popularization of augmented reality provides more space and criteria to advertisers. Therefore, more enterprises begin to apply augmented reality to advertising. For this new type of advertisement form, seldom literature has been discussed in the past, leading to a lack of study on augmented reality advertisement. This study aims to explore the advertising effect influenced by the content presentation form in interactive advertising augmented reality application. The experiment method is adopted in this study, with augmented reality application as a carrier. There are 3 independent variables including product involvement(high/low), interactivity(high/low) and advertising appeal(rational/emotional), and advertising effect as dependent variable including consumers’ attitude toward advertising, attitude toward brand and purchase intention. In a laboratory experiment, 241 participants were asked to watch and interact with advertisements in augmented reality apps. Participants were divided into 8 groups, each varied on levels of product involvement, interactivity, and advertising appeal. Results indicate that the interaction effect is obvious between product involvement and advertising appeal. With high product involvement advertisement, rational appeal leads to better advertising effect than the emotional appeal, otherwise, with low product involvement, the emotional appeal does better. Furthermore, on high interactivity advertisement, rational appeal works better on attitude toward brand while emotional appeal performs better on low interactive advertisement. Responses from the participants also reveal that the interaction of the three variables was not significant. Implications for the study and practice are also discussed.互動廣告擴增實境廣告效果產品涉入度互動性廣告訴求Interactive advertisementAugmented RealityAdvertising effectProduct involvementInteractivityAdvertising appeal產品涉入度、互動性和廣告訴求對廣告效果之影響--以互動廣告擴增實境應用為例The Impact of Product Involvement, Interactivity and Advertising Appeal to Advertising Effect--Interactive Advertising Augmented Reality Application as Example