黃玉2014-10-272014-10-271999-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30214近年來,美國高等教育與學生事務重視如何結合大學生課內與課外經驗,以提昇學生學習及高等教育效果,宿舍是學生在課餘花費大部分時間的場所,應該被有計劃的規劃以發揮整合學生學業學習與課外經驗的功能,依據文獻宿舍生活對台灣大學生也很重要,但它並沒有發揮促進學生學習的效果,本文主要目的,在介紹美國大學如何以宿舍生活來促進學生學業學習的經驗,以作為台灣大學生事務之借鏡。 本文首先依據相關文獻,探討大學生學業學習經驗與宿舍生活之關係,並提出結論與建議,其次,以美國大學為例,介紹學校如何透過宿舍環境安排及活動設計,來促進學生學業學習。In recent years, student affairs and higher education in the U.S. have focused attention on integrating the in-class and out-of-class experiences to strengthen the quality of higher education and student learning. Residence halls as the places where students spend most of their out-of-class time, have been claimed to be structured in such a fashion as to provide integration between the instructional environment and various out-of-class experiences of students. Residence life plays an important role for Taiwanese college students too; however, it has not functioned effectively as a place to promote students’ academic learning. The purpose of this article is to introduce the American experience on fostering student’s academic learning in residence life in order to provide a reference to Taiwan. The article will first examine how students’ academic learning experiences relate to residential life and then address how can educators use the residence hall environment as a locale for facilitating students’ learning with American examples.美國大學大學生學業學習宿舍生活Promoting Student's Academic Learning in Residence Life