劉慧俐朱惠麗蕭怡真2014-10-272014-10-272010-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/253目標:家庭訪視一直是衛生所最重要的業務。本研究探討公共衛生護士對家庭訪視滿意度之因素,並針對公共衛生護士績效評核意見加以分析。方法:以橫斷式研究設計,配合問卷調查法,搜集高雄市11 區衛生所79 名公共衛生護士及11 名衛生所護理長,對家庭訪視滿意度及績效評核之意見。採用SPSS 14.0版,進行統計分析。結果:公共衛生護士家庭訪視滿意度達滿分的62.7% ,比先前的調查增加2.7% ;五大因素中,「機構的行政措施」為滿意度最低,而「人與物的資源」為滿意度最高。至於公共衛生護士對業務督導考核方式之評價,滿意度最低為「實地到個案家中考核」。另外,由11 份考績評核問卷顯示出有81%護產人員對績效評核感到不公平。結論:根據研究結果,本研究提出建議。Purpose: Home visit is the most important task in primary health center. The purpose of this study was to probe the factors affecting the home visit satisfaction andanalysis the performance appraisal among public health nurses. We hope the result canbe helpful to development of the services of primary health centers.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. This study coordinates thestudy on monitoring and management system under chronic illness patient of NHI,collected the opinions on the home visit satisfaction and performance appraisal among79 public health nurses and 11 head nurses in 11 primary health center in Kaohsiung byquestionnaire survey. Statistical analysis were conducted by using SPSS 14.0.Results: The result showed the total score of the satisfaction with five componentsin home visit service among public health nurses was around 62.7% of the perfectscore, 2.7% more than the before investigation. Among the five components of thesatisfaction,“The administrative policy of the agencies" is the component which hasthe lowest satisfaction, and “ The support system and the availability of equipment"is the component which has the highest satisfaction. Regarding the satisfaction of theperformance appraisal manner, the manner which has the lowest satisfaction is “gomgto cases' home actually to assess". Moreover, the 11 questionnaires about the opinionsof performance appraisal from public health nurses showed that 81% of health stationnurses feel unfair.衛生所公共衛生護士家庭訪視工作滿意度績效評核primary health centerThe public health nursehome visitworking satisfactionperformance appraisal衛生所家庭訪視滿意度及績效評核之研究Working satisfaction and performance appraisalof health staffs in home visiting service in theKaohsiung Metropolis Area.