洪榮昭Hong, Jon-Chao周孜靜Chou, Tzu-Ching2022-06-082021-07-202022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/cfdda69a4521343296d8efc81fc2c92f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11737921世紀科技持續蓬勃發展以及COVID-19疫情全球肆虐,舞蹈教學也必須面對線上課程的轉型。然而,舞蹈學習強調精確的動作和姿勢,這對於學生是否會帶來挑戰?為了瞭解並嘗試找出線上學習舞蹈的方式會影響何種人格特質的學生,因此,本研究以特質活化理論為基礎,來探討舞蹈補習班學生學習舞蹈自我效能,對其線上學習過程中的學習興趣、學習焦慮、心智投入之影響,及學習後的學習舞蹈自信心及持續意圖將如何表現。本研究採用滾雪球取樣方式的問卷調查法,以北京市舞蹈補習班學生作為研究對象,篩選出307份有效樣本。透過驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式模型等分析方式來確認本研究假設是否成立。本研究結果顯示,學習者在線上學習舞蹈中除了學習焦慮與學習舞蹈自我效能間存在負相關之外,學習興趣、心智投入、學習舞蹈自信心及持續意圖皆與學習舞蹈自我效能呈現正相關。最後,根據研究結果與研究結論提供教育人員、教學者與學習者實務上之建議,以及從事舞蹈相關領域的研究者研究上之建議。With the continuous technological development in the 21st century and the global COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, dance teaching and learning must also face the transformation of online courses. However, dance teaching and learning that focus on emphasizing precise movements and gestures that may be or not quite challenging to some students to have a better effectiveness. To understand this issue, the present study tried to find out what kind of individual trait would influence themselves in practicing dance through online learning. Based on trait activation theory, participants’ online learning activators: interest and anxiety predicted by learning dance self-efficacy and related to their cognitive engagement in online learning, then reflected to enhance their self-confidence and continuance intention of dance cram students. Data of 307 were useful returned from snowballing sampling initiated from Beijing Dance cram school students. Statistical methods include confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling were applied to verify research model. The results of this study revealed that except for the mediator of learning anxiety in online dance learning is negatively correlated between learning dance self-efficacy, all other emotional factors, self-confidence enhancement and continued intention to online learning dance are positively predicted by learning dance self-efficacy and mediated by online learning interest. Expectedly, the results of the analysis can be applied for cram school mangers to create online dance programs to promote target students to have more interest and enhance their dance confidence.特質活化理論線上學習舞蹈學習舞蹈自我效能心智投入學習舞蹈自信心Trait activation theoryOnline dance learningDance learning self-efficacyCognitive engagementDance learning self-confidence在COVID-19下舞蹈補習班學生之線上學習舞蹈自我效能對其興趣、焦慮、心智投入、學習舞蹈自信心及持續意圖之相關研究Dance Cram School Students' Self-Confidence and Continue Intention to Online Dance Learning: Correlates between Dance Learning Self-Efficacy, Learning Interest and Anxiety, and Cognitive Engagement during COVID-19 Lockdown學術論文