高麗珍2016-04-282016-04-282001-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77755國立僑生大學先修班,成立迄今約有四十六年歷史,在政府遷台後的僑教發展史,以及僑生回國升讀大學的求學歷程上,均扮演著重要的角色。「先修」原本具有「銜接」以及「試探學習」的雙重意義。就「銜接」的意義而言,先修課程大多是以高中課程的講授為主,皆在縮小海內外高中/大學課程的差距;至於大學基礎課程及通識課程的試探學習,通常是由任課教師,以「附加課程」的方式自行酌加,內容較側重於學科概念與學習方法的啟發。因應僑生的多元文化背景,僑生大學先修班的銜接教育功能,實應涵攝課程、文化以及生活三大面向;而在課程方面,除了「正式課程」的指導之外,更應兼顧僑生的生活與文化適應等「非正式課程」範疇,俾能促成「有意義的學習」。然而,深受僑教政策的「潛在倫理」影響之外,短期學制與升學排名競爭的制約、兩岸互動形式以及「全球化」趨勢之衝擊,都深深影響僑大的永續發展。本研究因應僑生的多元文化背景以及多元文化教育潮流,以「文獻法」檢視僑生教育政策與僑生大學先修教育內涵;主要的內容包括:僑教發展史的回顧、僑教政策「潛在倫理」的理解、多元文化教育理念與目標簡述、僑大先修班教育目標、各分科課程目標與教學歷程內涵的探討等。作者藉由回溯百年僑教的發展軌跡,探索我國僑教的時間性與空間性意涵,並提出「多元文化教育」理念作為僑教革新之參考典範;最後並根據研究結論提出:(一)以「新觀念新思維」積極建構新時代的僑教政策;(二}宜因應新時代的僑教精神,重新建構僑大先修班成為多元文化學校;(三)突破「海外聯招會」排名分發辦法的侷限,積極研發符合多元文化教育精神的招生與分發大學辦法等三項七點建議。本研究最終目的在於回應教育改革的脈動,積極促成僑教發展回歸教育基本面;並期望能夠拋磚引玉,就教於諸先學,進而促成海內外僑教新紀元的開展。National Overseas Chinese Student University Preparatory School (NUPS ) has been founded for forty-six years. After the government moved to Taiwan, it plays an important role in the development of Overseas Chinese Student's Education and in the course of Overseas Chinese Student's attending school in the motherland. The original meaning of "preparatory" is provided with both "bridging" and"exploring learning". on the aspect of " bridging ", most preparatory curricula focuse on the courses of senior high school, aiming at diminishing the curricular gap between senior high school and university. In core curriculum and general knowledge course, the exploring learning is usually an "additional course", which are selected by subject teacher to make a point of the notion of the subject and the inspiration of learning approach. In accordance with Overseas Chinese Student's multicultural background, the function of "bridging education" in the NUPS should cover curriculum, culture, and life respects. Besides the formal instruction , the issues such as adaptation to life and culture should be taken into consideration, in order to trigger "meaningful leaming" . However, the "hidden ethics" of the policy, the ristriction of one-year-term school system and the strong competition to advance to a higher school, the interaction between two straits as well as the trend of "globalization" all greatly impact the perpetual development of NUPS. In view of the multicultural background and the trend of education, this study examines the policy of Overseas Chinese Student's Education and the significance of NUPS Education by "document method". It serves to review the history of Overseas Chinese Student's Education developmental history, comprehend the "hidden ethics" in the policy of Overseas Chinese Student's Education, summarize the concept and the objective of multicultural education, explore the teaching objective of Overseas Chinese Student University Preparatory Education and the goa僑生僑教政策僑生大學先修班課程改革多元文化教育質化研究Overseas Chinese Studentthe policy of Overseas Chinese Student's EducationNUPSCurriculumreform reformMulticultural EducationQualitative Research從多元文化教育觀點檢視僑教政策與僑生大學先修教育內涵