許俊雅吳淑鈴WU,Shu-Ling2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097262110%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93246本研究透過東南亞主題研究,發現國小的高年級課程主要是以台灣人的觀點來敘述主流文化下的意識形態;而對於非主流文化下的東南亞文化內容,是十分匱乏與表淺的。此外,近幾年來東南亞外籍配偶之子女在國小就讀的人口逐年增加,然而,教科書中東南亞相關內容比例卻過低,且多數以附加的形式存在於主流文化課程中,並不被台灣教育所重視。 教師是影響教育成敗的關鍵人物,然而,多位教師對於東南亞與東南亞人士存在著某些刻板印象,對於東南亞國家不熟悉,能給予學生的相關知識有限。加上教科書上的東南亞教材內容過少,也缺乏對於東南亞國家詳細的描述與解說,因此,學生實際能從教科書、學校教育與教師的東南亞文化傳遞中接收的訊息有限。相較之下,現今資訊發達、言論自由,社會大眾論述與電視媒體的密集報導,反倒更容易成為建構學生對東南亞知識概念的主要來源;然多數受訪學生對於東南亞與東南亞人,一如教師,同樣帶有某些刻板印象與偏見。 本研究探討教育現場中所使用的教科書、教師、學生,以了解台灣的多元文化實踐情形,發現台灣雖然是個多元文化的社會;然而,在實際教育現場,卻因為教科書中教材內容的匱乏與教師相關知識概念的不足,使得多元文化教育仍有相當大的進步空間。The present study aims to explore insufficient information of non mainstream Southeast Asian cultures comparing with ideology of mainstream Taiwanese culture toward senior graders in elementary schools. Obviously, the numbers of elementary school children born by Southeast Asian spouses have increased in recent years; however, the percentage of Southeast Asia related issues has been under average in the textbooks. Most of Southeast topics are presented as attachments in textbooks’ curriculum, and they are not emphasized in Taiwan Educational system. The teacher is the key person during the process of learning; nevertheless, as a stereotype, most teachers misunderstood, unfamiliar and lack knowledge of Southeast Asian culture and racial. In addition, the explanations and descriptions of Southeast Asian topics in textbooks were insufficient. That is, students can not receive adequate information from textbooks, school curriculum, and teachers. On the other hand, students’ concepts of Southeast Asia were constructed from media, through Internet, public speeches and talks. Most interviewed participants in this study held stereotype and bias in Southeast Asians and Southeast Asia countries. To conclude, the topic of this research focuses on Southeast Asia, discussing the textbooks, teachers, and students in the present educational system and to comprehend multicultural implementation in Taiwan. The results show that there is still a very large room for improvement in multicultural education, due to deficient contents in textbooks and teachers’ lacking knowledge of Southeast Asian issues in the practical educational situation.國小高年級東南亞文化多元文化教學教材elementary schoolssenior gradersSoutheast Asian culturemulticulturalteachingteaching materials從北市某國小高年級東南亞文化教學來看台灣的多元文化實踐Research on the Southeast Asian Culture Education Associated with Taiwan Multicultural Implementation—A Case Study of Elementary School Senior Students in Taipei