董秀蘭Doong, Shiow Lan朱美珍Chu, Mei Chen2019-08-282012-09-012019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0894070033%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88686本研究目的在瞭解中學社會類科教科書審定運作的動態歷程,從課程批判理論與課程審議的視角,探究教科書審定實際運作所潛藏的權力關係與文化再製意涵,及其審定運作的實際面與理想面之落差,進而分析教科書審定所呈現的課程審議模式。本研究邀請曾經或正在參與中學社會類科教科書審定的審委、審定行政人員,及教科書編輯群、書局編務人員等13人,以編審互動、影響審定運作的內在因素及外在情境脈絡等相關問題,進行深度訪談,並以紮根理論的資料分析方法,進行研究資料的編碼與分類。 本研究的主要研究發現如下: 一、中學社會類科教科書審定運作難以擺脫文化霸權的再製; 二、中學社會類科教科書審定運作深受升學主義、市場趨勢、教師教學慣性與需求的影響; 三、中學社會類科教科書審定運作模式介於「有限審議模式」和「準審議模式」之間。 最後根據研究結果,對於教科書審定運作及後續研究,提供下列建議: 一、改善審定委員的組成遴聘、聘期、考評、培訓方式; 二、改善編審溝通的時機與方式,並提供合理而公平的資源; 三、建立教科書使用調查與評鑑機制,做為改善教科書編審的重要參據; 四、加強審定資訊整合系統,建置編審溝通平台; 五、建立教科書審定歷程檔案與紀錄; 六、以教科書使用、選用對審定影響之分析為題,或採敘事探究、俗民誌等方法探究教科書審定運作,可供為後續研究之參考。This study investigated the dynamic processes involved in Taiwan’s review system of social studies textbooks. Based on the theoretical assumptions of curriculum deliberation and the critical theory of curriculum, the present study explored the power relationship and cultural reproduction in the review system, as well as the discrepancies between the ideal and the practice of the system. Further analysis was done on the curriculum deliberation mode reflected in the textbook review system. In-depth interviews were conducted with 13 people, including textbook reviewing committee members, NICT administrators, textbook editorial personnel, and publishers’ editorial staffs. The interview questions covered the interactions between reviewers and editors, the contextual and internal factors affecting the functioning of the review processes, and other related issues. Grounded theory analysis techniques were adopted in data coding and analyzing. The major findings include: 1.The review system of social studies textbooks is still driven by cultural hegemony. 2.The review system of social studies textbooks is strongly influenced by educational fanaticism, textbook market tendencies, and teachers’ teaching habits and demands. 3.The review system of social studies textbooks is operated in ways between the models of restricted deliberation and quasi-deliberation. The following suggestions are put forth for the improvement of textbook reviewing and future research: 1.Adjust the criteria of the recruitment and selection, the term duration, and the evaluation and training of reviewing committee members. 2.Improve the timing and approaches of communication between reviewers and editors, as well as provide reasonable and equal resources to both. 3.Establish a mechanism of textbook adoption and evaluation to serve as the key reference of modifying the reviewing guidelines and improving textbook writing. 4.Enhance the integration of the textbook reviewing information system, and provide an online communication platform for textbook reviewers and editors. 5.Establish records and portfolios of textbook reviewing and editing processes. 6.Future studies can focus on analyzing the influence of textbook use and adoption on the reviewing processes or explore textbook review processes through narrative inquiry or ethnographic approach.中學社會類科教科書審定審議課程審議social studies for secondary leveltextbook reviewdeliberationcurriculum deliberation課程審議的理想與實際:臺灣中學社會類科教科書審定歷程之研究The Ideal and Practice of Curriculum Deliberation: A Study of the Review Processes of Taiwan’s Social Studies Textbooks for Secondary Schools