林政宏2014-10-272014-10-271991-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17005「空氣污染」是指大氣中存在一種或一種以上的污染物(例如:微塵、灰燼、煙霧、臭氣、或蒸氣等),其含量與時間,足對人類、植物、或動物造成傷害,或其存在會影響生命或財物的舒適程度。我們知道天氣因素是影響「空氣污染」的主因(如:風、逆溫層、降雨、天氣系統),但是在實際大氣狀態下,天氣因素如何影響污染物累積、擴散等時空變化,則必須經過實際觀測才能充份了解。本研究乃利用筆者1990年9月30日至10月20日在公館附近實測一氧化碳(CO)的濃度妥化資料,與測站附近環境因子變化作個案分析,找出實際大氣狀態下,天氣因素與污染源的關係。Air pollution defined as the presence of substances in the atmosphere that are toxic irritant. or otherwise harmful to man or damaging to vegetation, animals, or property. The weather causes, such as wind, inversion, rainfall and weather system, are the mainreasons that affect air pollution. We used the real meteorological data detected near KungKuang, Taipei. from September 30 to October 20, 1990, to explore the possible reasons whythe weather affects the accumulation and dissipation of air pollutants.天氣濃度變化"CO濃度變化與天氣關係"個案初步研究The Study on "The Relationship Between CO Concentration and the Weather"