國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系劉潔心郭鐘隆劉貴雲廖梨伶李恆華2014-12-022014-12-022004-06-011023-9812http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39521本研究旨在發展一套衛生教育媒體之評價機制與建構評價指標,以協助衛生機關及教育部門進行衛生教育宣媒體的衛教成效評估,並進一步達到衛教媒體之資源整合與管理。本研究主要參酌康傳播相關理論,包括:溝通說服矩陣、廣告內容-符號分析、創新-傳播理論及社會行銷理論等,作為媒體評價指標與評價機制的展基礎,爾後根據任教國中小學健康相關科目之教師、衛生部門之仁及相關領域之專家所組成之專家顧問團共35位,經專家會議彙整意見修訂完成媒體評價指標,並運用該指標發展成「媒體初選表」及「媒體複選表」兩種評價工具,並同時建構出媒體評價機制。 本研究將以各級衛生單現有衛教宣導媒體運用於九年一貫新課程健康與體育領域為例,以增加國中、小學教師進行九年一貫健康與體育教學及配合衛生重要議題推廣時,可實際運用合適及優質之衛教媒體為主要目的,故在媒體評價機制的實施上,擬由任教國中小學健康相關科目之教師及衛生部門之同仁共30位評審進行媒體評價,經由描述性統計、肯德爾和諧係數、單因子變異數、單因子多變量變異數分析、薛費氏事後比較及皮爾森基差相關等統計方式建立本評價工具之信效度,其結果發現:初複選量表皆有良好信、效度,可篩選出良好媒體,且評分者盼有顯著的一致性,複選和複選在各項議題得皆間有高度相關;故本評價指標與評價機制可推廣應 用於各衛生圍位,為一用於評價健康傳播媒體效果之客觀方法。The aim of this study was to establish the mechanism of media evaluation that could help the health and education departments evaluate the effectiveness of the media and manage the media resources. The indexes and mechanisms were mainly developed based on the health communication theory, including health communication matrix, content-symbol analyze theory, diffusion of innovation, social marketing and so forth thirty-five experts, including elementary and secondary school teachers who specialize in physical and health education area and health department officials, defined and revised the indexes. After establishing the indexes, they developed the evaluation tools including “primary media evaluation list” and “advanced media evaluation list”, and the mechanism of media evaluation. The study will increase the applications of health education media on teaching among teachers who specialize in physical and health education area in “1st-9th Grades curriculum Alignment”. This study can also contribute to appropriately choosing communication media for public health promotion. Thirty related experts were invited to evaluate the health media that have been collected. Statistical methods included descriptive statistics, the Kendall coefficient of concordance, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s post-hoc test, one-way MANOVA, Parsons Correlation. In conclusion, this study suggests that both “primary media evaluation list” and “advanced media evaluation list” are appropriate media evaluation tools with consistency and efficiency. Also, results of the media evaluation form adjudicators are consistent, and the correlation between “primary media evaluation list’ scores and “advanced media evaluation list” scores is high. Finally, the index and mechanism of media evaluation is an objective to for media evaluation 4that could be promoted to all health departments.健康傳播媒體評價指標評鑑機制九年一貫Health communication mediaIndex of evaluationMechanism of evaluation1st-9th grades curriculum alignment衛生教育媒體評鑑機制之建構與發展研究─運用於九年一貫新課程健康與體育領域