程瑞福Chen, Jui-Fu古晉宗Gu, Jin-Zong2023-12-082028-01-182023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ae90744b32ba8608fc3ac24726bd0e44/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121670近年運動休閒課程在臺灣發展蓬勃,依2019年政府資料統計,民眾在參與性運動服務的項目以「運動課程費」之消費支出總額達117.5億為最高,掌握學員對服務品質的看法為永續經營的首要任務。本研究旨在以二維品質及IPA分析法探討救國團學習中心運動休閒課程參與學員的關鍵服務品質。根據SERVQUAL量表設計正、反向與滿意度問卷,以調查法對救國團新北市學習中心於2022年7-8月間參與課程之學員進行便利抽樣,共回收456份有效問卷,並以描述性統計、Kano二維品質模式與IPA分析法分析,結論:一、運動休閒課程學員多為長期參與的舊生,且以女性上班族為主要客群。二、Kano二維服務品質要素均為一維品質要素,共22個,在「效益改善區」的品質構面有「有形性」1個、「回應性」2個、「保證性」2個品質要素。三、經由IPA (重要度與績效) 分析法找出運動休閒課程服務品質需「聚焦 (優先) 改善」構面為3個「同理心」以及2個「回應性」之品質要素。四、以Kano及IPA分析方法分析出運動休閒課程服務品質構面的「回應性」品質要素2個、以及「保證性」的1個品質要素為關鍵服務品質要素。本研究建議業者於營運服務上應強化「回應性」及「同理心」構面之服務品質要素,期優化服務及提升營運績效。In recent years, sports and leisure courses have been booming in Taiwan. According to a government report in 2019, people spent NT$11.75 billion on sports courses; this amount is the highest among all categories of participatory sports services. To maintain business sustainability, knowing the participants' perceptions of service quality is essential. This study aims to identify and analyze the key elements of service quality of CYC's sports and leisure courses in the Lifelong Learning Center. A survey was conducted based on the SERVQUAL, Kano two-dimensional and satisfaction questionnaire. The survey samples were taken from course participants from July to August 2022. Overall, 456 valid questionnaires were collected. The collected data were analyzed via descriptive statistics, Kano's two-dimensional quality model, and IPA analysis. The conclusion is summarized below. 1. Most participants in the sports and leisure courses are long-time students of the Center; female office workers are the majority. 2. All 22 service quality elements of the Kano Model are “one-dimensional” quality elements. Within the Efficiency Improvement Area, there are one quality element of"tangibility," two elements of "responsiveness," and two elements of "assurance." 3. Through IPA (Importance and Performance) analysis, this research identified three "empathy" and two "responsiveness" quality elements in the "Concentrate here" aspect of the quality of sports and leisure course services. 4. Applying Kano and IPA analysis, two "responsive" quality elements and one "assurance" quality element were identified as key elements of service quality of sports and leisure courses. This study suggests that business owners should strengthen the service quality elements of"responsiveness" and "empathy" to improve their services and performance.救國團終身學習中心運動休閒課程服務品質Kano二維品質模式IPA分析法Lifelong Learning Center CYCSport and Leisure CoursesService QualityKano ModelImportance-Performance Analysis以二維品質及IPA模式探討救國團終身學習中心運動休閒課程之關鍵服務品質要素Applying Kano & IPA Model to Analyze the Key Elements on Service Quality of CYC's Sport & Leisure Courses in Lifelong Learning Center.etd