國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系葉國樑蘭淑貞張簡瑋政2014-12-022014-12-022013-12-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39872近年來,臺灣年輕族群對性行為之態度越來越開放,且相關統計資料也顯示愛滋病毒感染年齡有年輕化的趨勢,顯示愛滋病防治的教育工作有必要在學校場域更為落實。 本計畫擬從民國102年5月開始進行,至民國102年12月結束,計畫目的為評估行政院衛生署疾病管制局已經於100年度與101年度委託民間團體,進行青少年性傳染病防治預防教育師資培訓計畫所培訓之國中、高中職種子教師,於校內實施該愛滋病防治預防教育教案課程的介入教學效果,且要探討參與的學生和種子教師對於實施該教案課程的內容、心得、滿意度與教師教學能力,以及對於目前使用中的健康與體育、健康與護理教科書之性傳染病防治預防與性教育內容的意見。同時探討國中、高中職學生之社會文化流行內容、危險性行為,以及訊息管道,對該教案課程之教學效果的影響。最後提出教學內容,教材教具之具體建議,作為未來推動愛滋病防治預防教育的重要參考。In recent years, the behavior of sex among teenagers & young adults in Taiwan has become more open, the relevant statistics also have shown that HIV cases of teenagers & young adults have risen. So, the prevention education of AIDS implemented on Taiwan school for the teenagers & young adults is significantly important. The goals of this one-year proposal from May to December, 2013 hopes to evaluate the teaching effectiveness of AIDS prevention education projects for the 7th~12th students by the teachers who have been trained at the projects sponsored by Taiwan CDC in 2011 & 2012, to understand the opinions and satisfaction of the students and teaching teachers toward the projects, and to explore the opinions of them toward the health education textbook. At the same time, the proposal hope to explore the relationships between the social-cultural factors, risk factors, information resources about AIDS with the teaching effectiveness of AIDS prevention education projects. Finally, the proposal will provide the significant suggestions for AIDS prevention education.愛滋病防治認知愛滋病防治行為意圖愛滋病防治預防教育年輕族群behavioral intention of AIDS preventioncognition of AIDS preventionprevention education of AIDSteenagers & young adults年輕族群愛滋病認知、防治行為與當前教育介入之成效評估