林德隆Lin,Der-Lung謝沛蓁HSIEH PEI CHEN2019-09-052015-6-162019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699320021%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106281本研究背景目的在探討中場休息教練與球員的互動對比賽結果的影響,研究對象為6位羽球國家隊教練和10位羽球國家隊選手。研究方法採用質性研究法,藉由豐富的訪談內容,對每個個案進行深入訪談。本研究結果就教練的觀點發現: 1.選手表現好的狀態下,通常給予正向鼓勵與戰術戰略這兩項回饋方式。2.在選手表現不好的狀態下,通常給予戰術戰略與正向鼓勵及心理技能方面的回饋。而就選手的觀點研究發現:1.在比賽中表現好的狀態下,教練通常是給予戰術戰略和正向鼓勵及動作技能修正及心理技能的回饋。2. 表現不好的狀態下,教練通常是給予戰術戰略再來才是心理技能及正向鼓勵的回饋。最後得到結論為: 選手在比賽中場休息時教練提供回饋的成敗,取決於教練與選手間是否能討論出一套適合個別差異的有效回饋方式。The objective of this study is to develop the interaction between coach and player during the half time interval on the effect of match result. The research subjects were included 6 national badminton coaches and 10 players respectively. The method to carry out in this study was using a qualitative research, which included questions and statements. The results were included: 1.Coaches Views: (1) Positive Reinforcement and Tactical& Strategic were used to support the well performed player; (2) Tactical & Strategic, Positive Reinforcement and Psychological skills were used to support the poor performed player. 2.Players Views: (1) The messages of Tactical and Strategic, Positive Reinforcement, Motor Skill adjustment and Psychological Skills where delivered to the player under a well performed condition (2) The messages of Tactical and Strategic was first delivered and followed by Psychological Skills and Positive Reinforcement under a poor performed condition. In conclusion: The players’ performance after the half time interval is according to provide the suitable feedback combination behavior from coach and player.羽球回饋行為運動表現BadmintonFeedbackPerformances羽球國家代表隊比賽中場休息 教練回饋 對選手運動表現之影響The effect of coach feedback on National Badminton player’s performance study during the half time interval