林佳範博士張儷儀2019-08-282007-7-42019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693070038%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88547本研究旨在進行案例教學法應用於人權教育之行動研究。七年級教材部分單元之人權議題較少,為使人權議題融入教學,研究者針對三個單元採用案例教學策略進行人權教育,並以行動研究之精神不斷反思、改進,以求教師自我成長。研究者先以「人權概念」、「人權教育能力指標」及其核心內涵分析單元之相關人權概念,再依相關人權概念搜尋新聞素材、發展案例。於實施案例教學時則以教室觀察、反思日誌、學生學習單、回饋單、訪談等方式檢視案例教學法之成效。透過不斷反思、修正,使教師不斷成長,讓案例教學應用於人權教育之實施更臻成熟。 研究結果發現如下: 一、翰林版社會領域公民七年級上冊教材所強調的人權議題較少,可以案例教學實施相關人權議題教學,例如單元一「成長的喜悅」可設計「人權核心價值」及「社會權」概念之案例;單元二「甜蜜的家庭」可設計「社會權」及「人身自由權」概念之案例;單元三「學習新天地」可設計「學習權」及「受教權」概念之案例。 二、實施案例教學所面對的問題:1.案例設計費時,對教師教學負擔沈重;2.人權案例問題的設計應能使學生思考人權的核心價值;3.教師引導學生案例問題討論時,容易作價值判斷;4.學生擔心案例討論沒有標準答案;5.案例教學會受到教學時間限制;6.部分學生不願意參與討論某些案例議題。 三、案例教學法的因應對策:1.案例設計可以協同教師及學生設計;2.案例問題的設計要考慮「價值面」及「體制面」;3.教師引導案例問題討論時,避免影響其作特定之價值判斷;4.案例討論之結論應結合課文內容重點;5.案例教學實施人權教育應兼顧授課時數;6.多關注學生分組討論情形。 四、學生對人權觀念的錯誤理解:1.父母有權利決定孩子的生命;2.自由權是只要我喜歡,有什麼不可以;3.基本人權是可以拋棄、可以剝奪的。 五、案例教學法實施人權教育的情形: (一)學生對案例教學法實施人權教育的評價方面:1.學生喜歡案例討論的上課方式;2.學生喜歡在課堂上討論完成學習單;3.學生喜歡透過案例討論時事;4.學生喜歡貼近生活的案例;5.教師的案例討論帶領相當重要。 (二)學生對人權的理解方面:1.學生對「人性尊嚴」的理解比較接近「尊重他人」;2.學生普遍重視弱勢者的人權;3.學生瞭解親權的行使以不傷害身體為限;4.學生能了解家暴尋求協助管道,有時更甚於教師所講授;5.學生認為自己的學習權利必須與他人的受教權相調合。 最後根據研究結果,對於將來應用案例教學法進行人權教育的教師提出具體的參考建議。This study aims at making an action research of case method teaching for human rights education in the curriculum of social study. There are very few contents of the published textbooks of social study are directly related to human rights education. Therefore, we might supplement some cases study for the human rights education in the curriculum of social study. In addition, through the method of an action research, the feedback of the research can be further used for improving the teaching. Firstly, the Han-Lin published textbook will be analyzed by the national guideline of human rights education so as to look for the related content that the suitable cases of human rights education can be found and added to the curriculum. As the case method is put into practice in classroom teaching, we might collect data from it for the research by ways of classroom observation, introspection diary, learning sheet, introspection sheet, and interviews so as to check the effects of case method teaching for human rights education. As an action research, a constant self-examining, and self-adapting are demanded so as to be getting the case method teaching ever more skillful. Some of the results of the research can be summed up as below: 1.There are very few contents of the Han-Lin published textbook are directly related to human rights education. Therefore, it is proper to supplement human rights education through case method teaching for the related part of the textbook. For example, unit 1 “Grow Up Happily” could be related with the concept of “human dignity” and “social rights”. And unit 2 “The sweet family” could be connected with the concept of “social rights” and “personal liberty”. And Unit 3 “How to learn in school” could be in relation to “the right to learn” and “the right to education”. 2.The problems for case method teaching are (1) Writing a suitable case for teaching spends a lot of time and energy. (2)The questions for the case method teaching should include more topics in relation to the core concept of human rights. (3) Teachers should be aware of avoiding prejudging students’ discussions. (4)Students were always wary of not finding a final ‘correct’ answer. (5) Case method teaching usually took more time so that teachers had to face lagging behind the original schedule. (6) Including students who were not willing to participating team discussions. 3.Some suggestions for case method teaching are, (1) Case writing could be co-writing. (2) The questions for cases study should touch upon issues of values rather than just upon facts. (3)When guiding case discussion, teachers should avoid prejudging student’s discussions. (4) Conclusions of case discussion should combine with the themes of the text books used. (5) A good time management is required for case method teaching, as a supplement to the curriculum. (6) Make students focusing on discussing. 4.Students’ miss-understanding of the concept of human rights includes: (1) Parents have the right to decide children’s life.(2)Misconception of the concept of liberty as I can do anything whatever Ilike. (3) Basic human right could be giving away. 5.The effects of case method teaching for human rights education in the curriculum of social study: (1) Students’ attitudes towards case method teaching: (a)Students liked case method teaching for human rights education. (b)Students liked to discuss and finish their assignment in class than take it back for homework. (c)Students liked to discuss topic of current affairs. (d)Students liked cases close to their everyday lives. (e) Teacher’s role in encouraging case discussions is very important. (2) Students’ understanding of the concepts of human rights: (a)The cognition of “human dignity” is conflated with that of “respecting others” by students. (b)Students take high regards for human rights of the disadvantaged and the minority. (c)Students recognize that parents’ right can not go beyond hurting children’s bodies. (d)Students know more access to help than a teacher can provide whenever family violence occurs. (e)Students are able to consider one’s own interests in accordance with that of the other’s.人權教育案例教學法行動研究法Human rights educationCase method teachingAction research案例教學法應用於七年級社會學習領域人權教育之行動研究An action research of case method teaching for human rights education in the curriculum of social study