陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih黎廣鎰Lai, Kuong-Iat2024-12-172024-06-302024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e8b21eda3001418c64363862f0fd98c5/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122538本研究旨在探討臺灣大學生的文化智商、幽默感、幽默風格與學校適應的關聯性,探討不同性別(男、女)與學生身份(港澳生、原民生、一般生)的表現差異,及探索幽默感於文化智商與學校適應的中介效果與幽默風格於文化智商與學校適應的調節效果。本研究共抽樣204位大學生,以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集。結果發現:男、女文化智商總分沒有差異,僅有動機性文化智商有所差異;不同學生身分文化智商總分沒有差異,僅有後設認知性文化智商中原民生的表現顯著大於港澳生、認知性文化智商中原民生的表現顯著大於一般生;男、女學校適應總分沒有差異,僅有學業適應有所差異;不同學生身分學校適應沒有差異;男、女幽默感總分沒有差異;不同學生身分幽默感總分沒有差異,僅幽默理解能力有所差異,原民生顯著大於一般生和港澳生;男、女於攻擊型幽默、自我貶抑型幽默具有差異,親和型幽默與自我提升型幽默沒有差異;不同學生身分幽默風格沒有差異。相關部份,整體文化智商與親和型幽默風格、自我提升型幽默風格、整體幽默感和整體學校適應間具有正相關,同時與攻擊型幽默風格具有負相關。中介部份,幽默因應能力中介文化智商與學校適應的關係。調節部份,親和型幽默增強大學生文化智商與學校適應的關係;進一步發現一般生自我貶抑型幽默緩衝後設認知性文化智商與學校適應的關係;一般生自我貶抑型幽默緩衝認知文化智商與學校適應的關係。研究最後建議透過不同之研究方法、工具與樣本數之擴大能有效驗證本研究之發現,進一步釐清文化智商與學校適應之關係,為後續回應大學生學校適應議題的基礎。This study explores school adaptation from the perspective of cultural intelligence (CQ). By collecting samples from students of different cultural backgrounds, it examines the performance differences across various groups and the relationship mechanisms between cultural intelligence and school adaptation. A total of 204 university students were sampled. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey. The results show:Gender differences: In terms of cultural intelligence (CQ), there were no significant difference in total scores between male and female students, except for motivational CQ. Similarly, regarding school adaptation, there were no significant difference in total scores between male and female students, except for academic adaptation. Additionally, there were no significant difference in total sense of humor scores. However, there were distinctions in humor styles, particularly in aggressive and self-defeating humor, with no significant difference observed in affiliative and self-enhancing humor.Student identity differences: Across different student identities, there were no significant difference in total cultural intelligence scores. However, indigenous students exhibited notably higher scores in metacognitive CQ compared to students from Hong Kong and Macau, and higher scores in cognitive CQ compared to general Taiwan students. Concerning school adaptation, there were no significant differences observed among various student identities. However, in terms of sense of humor, indigenous students demonstrated significantly higher scores in humor comprehension compared to general Taiwan and Hong Kong and Macau students. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in humor styles across different student identities.Regarding correlations, cultural intelligence is positively correlated with affiliative humor style, self-enhancing humor style, overall sense of humor, and overall school adaptation, while it is negatively correlated with aggressive humor style.Mediation analysis revealed that humor coping ability mediated the relationship between cultural intelligence and school adaptation.In terms of moderation, affiliative humor enhanced the relationship between cultural intelligence and school adaptation. Additionally, self-defeating humor among general students strengthened the relationship between metacognitive CQ and school adaptation, as well as between cognitive CQ and school adaptation.The study suggests that future research could benefit from using different methods, tools, and larger sample sizes to validate these findings and further clarify the relationship between cultural intelligence and school adaptation. This could provide a foundation for addressing university students' adaptation issues.文化智商幽默感幽默風格學校適應大學生cultural Intelligencesense of humorhumor stylesschool adaptationundergraduate students大學生文化智商、幽默感、幽默風格與學校適應之關係研究The Relationship among Cultural Intelligence, Sense of Humor, Humor Styles and School Adaptation of Undergraduate Student in Taiwan學術論文