朱文增Chu, Wen-Tseng黃美琪Huang, Mei-Chi2019-09-052012-8-132019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699310181%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107843本研究目的在探討八卦山大佛風景區、遊客滿意度與重遊意願之研究,希望藉由問卷調查瞭解遊客對於八卦山大佛風景區的認知與感受,作為相關單位日後對於規劃風景區的參考。研究時間以2012年四月份中,透過便利抽樣法,以實際到八卦山大佛風景區之遊客為研究對象,共回收有效問卷450份。研究工具包括吸引力、滿意度與重遊意願量表。研究結果發現,一、人口統計方面,遊客以「女性」、「未婚」、教育程度為「大學 (專) 」、職業為「上班族」、個人平均月收入多為「10,000元及以下」、居住地以「中部其他縣市」為居多。二、八卦山大佛風景區吸引力得分由高至低五名依序為「抗日烈士紀念公園具有吸引力 (5.24) 」、「C-119運輸機對我具有吸引力 (4.75) 」、「1895史蹟館提供知性教育 (4.68) 」、「能欣賞彰化夜景,具有吸引力 (4.51) 」、「風景區知名度很高 (4.33) 」。得分最低前兩名為「風景區內餐飲種類多樣 (2.97) 」和「規劃健全的自行車道 (3.49) 」。三、八卦山大佛風景區滿意度以「多媒體介紹內容豐富 (4.51) 」最高,「提供良好的餐飲服務 (2.80) 」為最不滿意。四、八卦山大佛風景區吸引力、滿意度及重遊意願有顯著相關,顯示八卦山大佛風景區吸引力分數越高、滿意度也越高,重遊意願也越高。希望研究結果能進一步瞭解八卦山大佛風景區吸引力為何及其滿意度為何,並作為未來風景區經營時之參考依據。The purpose of this study is to investigate the attraction and tourist satisfaction of the Bagua Buddha Scenery Site. By surveying general visitors, understanding their cognition and feelings, the research results hopefully can be used as a reference for the future scenery site planning. Through the convenience sampling method toward the actual visitors in mid-April 2012, a total of 450 valid questionnaires were collected. Surveys included the attraction of the Bagua Buddha Scenery Site, satisfaction and revisit willingness. The results showed:1.Demographic distribution: Female was the majority of gender; aged between 20-29 were in the majority; the condition of unmarried were in the majority; occupation were office worker; participants with an average monthly income less than NT$10,000; tourist almost came from central county. 2.The attraction of the Bagua Buddha Scenery Site (top 5 in descending order) :“Memorial Park was attractive.”,“C-119 military plane park was so attractive.”,“1895 museum was able to supply the function of education.”,“It can let tourist to enjoy the night scenes.”,“The scenic spot was famous.”The top two resources for the most unattractive were:“The food is varied.”,“The scenic spot was planned perfect bikeway.”3.The higher score of satisfaction was“The content of multi-media is abundant.”, on the other hand, the lower score of satisfaction was“It provided good services.”4. The relevance between the attraction and satisfaction of the Bagua Buddha Scenery Site was significant, including the better attraction of the Bagua Buddha Scenery Site, the higher satisfaction. The result showed that with the different of tourist, the level of tourism attraction would be followed by different. The result of this research could be applied to the management of the Bagua Buddha Scenery Site.八卦山大佛風景區吸引力滿意度重遊意願Bagua Buddha Scenery SiteAttractionSatisfactionRevisiting Willingness八卦山大佛風景區對遊客的吸引力、滿意度與重遊意願之研究A Study on Visitor's Attraction, Satisfaction, and Revisiting Willingness in Bagua Buddha Scenery Site