柯皓仁Ke, Hao-Ren陳雨靜Chen, Yu-Ching2022-06-082022-01-132022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/26dd07606389924fc6a1f3e9257a550a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118310本研究欲瞭解健康科學領域大學生對非醫藥類圖書之閱讀動機、需求與行為,以性別、年級、學系等不同背景變項進行探討分析,以利館藏採購策略布局、提供推廣活動參考依據,希冀藉以強化圖書館館藏資源,提高閱讀活動參與人數。本研究採用問卷調查法,經專家效度審查後完成正式問卷,自2021年7月日至2021年7月31日將邀請填寫問卷信件寄給臺北醫學大學全校大學部學生,共回收有效問卷870份。經問卷分析結果,本研究提出以下結論:(一)閱讀動機、需求、行為現況:(1)閱讀動機最高者為「覺得內容不錯或吸引我」,而在閱讀動機構面以「興趣與喜好」為最高;(2)閱讀需求:常用的圖書載體形式為紙本書;資訊來源以同學朋友告知最多;取得管道以「自己購買」居多;資訊來源以「同學朋友告知」最多;圖書主題以「文學小說類」最多人喜歡;(3)閱讀行為:閱讀時間平日平均以1小時內為最多,假日則提高至1~2小時;閱讀頻率以2~3天閱讀一次為最高;閱讀場所以在家裡閱讀居冠;印象深刻的圖書館活動為每月書展。(二)性別與年級的不同在閱讀動機與閱讀需求這兩方面並沒有差異;學系的不同在閱讀需求方面沒有顯著差異;在閱讀動機的部分,醫學系、生物醫學工程學系、醫務管理學系動機較其他學系來得高。(三)性別、年級在閱讀行為部分並無顯著差異;不同學系在平日每天平均閱讀非醫藥類圖書時間這個部分具有差異,其餘則沒有明顯差異。根據研究結果,提出建議如下:(一)定期進行館藏借閱分析,以期確實掌握讀者閱讀需求;(二)辦理閱讀推廣活動,加深讀者印象;(三)營造良好閱讀氛圍,營造放鬆愉悅的閱讀環境;(四)提供各校區學生充足之非醫學類圖書館藏,針對校區系所學生之閱讀需求增購非醫藥類圖書館藏。In this study, we will understand the motivation, demand and behavior of college students in the field of health sciences on non-medical books, and discuss and analyze different background variables such as gender, grade, and department, so as to facilitate the layout of collection procurement strategies, provide reference for promotion activities, and hope to strengthen library collection resources. Increase the number of participants in reading activities.This study used a questionnaire method, which was reviewed by expert validity and completed a formal questionnaire from 17th to 31th July 2021, the invitation to fill out the questionnaire was sent to the students of The Taipei Medical University, and a total of 870 valid questionnaires were recovered portion. After the results of questionnaire analysis, this study puts forward the following conclusions: (1) Reading motivation, needs, and behavior status:(i) Reading motivation:The highest motivation for reading is"I think the content is good or attractive to me",while "interests and preferences" are the highest in the reading facet; (ii) Reading requirements: The commonly used form of book carrier is paper book; the source of information is the most informed by classmates and friends; the channel of acquisition is mostly "buy by yourself"; The sources of information are most "informed by classmates and friends"; the book theme is "literary fiction"; (iii) Reading behavior: reading time is on average 1 onweekdays The hour is the most, and the holiday is increased to 1 to 2 hours; the reading frequency is the highest reading once in 2 to 3 days; usually read at home; Impressive library event is the monthly book fair.(2) There is no difference between gender and grade level in terms of reading motivation and reading need; there is no significant difference in reading need between different departments; in the part of reading motivation, the School of Medicine,the School of Biomedical Engineering and the School of Health Care Administration have higher motivation than other departments. (3) There were no significant differences in gender and grade in the reading behavior section; there were differences in the average time spent reading non-medical books per day in different departments The rest are not noticeably different.The results of the study shows that: (1) Conduct regular collection lending analysis in order to truly grasp the reader's reading needs;(2)Handling reading promotion activities to deepen readers' impressions;(3) Creating a good reading atmosphere and creating a relaxed and pleasant reading environment;(4)Provide sufficient non-medical library collections for students in each campus.健康科學領域非醫藥類圖書閱讀動機閱讀需求閱讀行為Health sciencesnon-medical booksreading motivationreading needsreading behavior健康科學領域大學生對非醫藥類圖書之閱讀行為研究:臺北醫學大學之個案研究A Study on the Reading Behaviors of Non-Medical Books Among Health Science Undergraduate Students: A Case Study of Taipei Medicial University學術論文