李奇璋陳純音楊立勤Chi-Chang Roy LiaChun-Yin Doris ChenLi-Chin Yang2016-05-102016-05-102015-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78703本研究藉由中文疑問詞「怎麼」來探討以中文為母語的學齡前兒童對於方法問句與因果問句的習得。主要的議題包括方法問句與因果問句的習得順序、主事效應、泛指效應、題型效應及其他相關問法的句型。本研究共設計兩個測驗:圖片選擇測驗與問句形成測驗。研究對象為48位以中文為母語的學齡前兒童,根據其年齡分為三組(第一組為四歲零個月至四歲十一個月、第二組為五歲零個月至五歲十一個月、及第三組為六歲零個月至六歲十一個月)。研究發現,學齡前兒童對於方法問句與因果問句的分辨,並未達到統計上的差異,但其在因果問句的表現仍較其在方法問句來得佳。其次,主事效應和泛指效應對孩童在「怎麼」問句的影響達到顯著性。孩童在含主事者之「怎麼」問句與非泛指之「怎麼」問句表現皆較佳。最後,相較於因果問句,學齡前兒童對方法問句掌握較差,因此錯誤回應較多,再次顯示「會怎麼」的問句比「怎麼會」難習得。This study explores children’s acquisition of manner and causal questions by examining hui zenme ‘how’ and zenme hui ‘why’ with a comprehension task (i.e. Picture Identification) and a production task (i.e. Question Asking) designed to investigate the acquisition of manner and causal questions, agency effects, genericity effects, and task effects. The 48 participants were preschoolers divided into three age groups: 4, 5, and 6 year olds. The major findings are, first, there was no significant difference in response to hui zenme and zenme hui (p > .05), but performance was slightly better on the latter. Second, agency and genericity effects were significant in the participants’ responses to zenme questions (p < .05) with participants performing better on those with agent subjects and in the non-generic condition. Finally, more wrong responses were produced often in response to manner questions, indicating that questions with hui zenme were more difficult to acquire than questions with zenme hui.主事效應泛指效應方法問句因果問句母語習得agencygenericitymanner questioncausal questionL1 acquisition華語因果問句與方法問句之第一語言習得:以「怎麼會」和「會怎麼」為例L1 Acquisition of Chinese Causal and Manner Questions: Data from zenme hui and hui zenme