施正屏Cheng Ping Shih王忠義Chung Yi Wang2019-08-282011-7-302019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693100065%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85640校所名稱:國立台灣師範大學政治學研究所 論文題目:制度變遷下中國經濟改革之路徑選擇 畢業時間:2007年(九十五學年度第二學期碩士學位論文摘要) 研究生姓名:王忠義    指導教授:施正屏博士 論文摘要: 本文透過新制度經濟學派之觀點探討區域經濟下的整合關係,闡述中國的制度變遷與經濟成就的關係。藉由「制度」的建立帶動組織的再造,而組織則係利用制度所創造的機會增加組織競爭力。組織透過制度變動以降低交易成本所帶來的利益和新組織的形成再影響制度的變遷。中國自一九七零年代改革開放以來,隨著制度及經濟發展結構的轉變,使得中國已經能夠快速融入國際經濟體系,加速其與全球化接軌的腳步。改革開放後中國充分運用自身的國際優勢,包括:廣大的市場、廉價的勞工及遼闊的土地等優勢,中國的外匯儲備已於二零零六年突破一兆美元。 二十一世紀的中國在高速經濟發展與全球化嚴峻的挑戰下,對內的區域整合面臨新形勢下不得不快速做出調適,以解決嚴重的區域發展不協調問題,此一問題係中國未來的是否能保持穩定成長的重大關鍵議題。由於經濟蓬勃發展,亦使得中國對外的談判籌碼及空間大增。中國大陸自二零零一年在中國大陸加入世貿組織後開始採取對外區域擴張策略,中國積極參與國際區域整合的經濟組織;例如中國與東協正式簽署「中國與東協全面經濟合作框架協定」。此舉不僅象徵中國已在東亞區域具有影響力,更意味著中國欲取代日本在東亞經濟的領導地位,進一步主導東亞經濟區域整合。展望未來,中國快速融合全球經貿市場亦將面臨更不確定的機遇與挑戰。「十一五規劃」中,中國擬藉由調整外向型經濟戰略轉為擴大中國內需市場戰略,藉以平衡地區差距擴大問題,並縮小外匯順差及貿易衝突;然而,內需市場不足將是中國十一五規劃中最大的變數,倘中國政府不能妥善解決通貨緊縮與失業問題,人民幣升值將重創中國經濟;三大階段的矛盾(城鄉差距、工農差距及地區差距)加劇中國社會的不確定因素,並將衝擊亞太地區的經濟及政治穩定,與國際權力動態均衡。National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Political Science Title of Thesis :The Pathway Selection of the Economic Reform of China during the Institutional Change Student: Chung Yi Wang Advisor: Cheng Ping Shih Ph.D. Abstract The main purpose of this study is to elaborate the relationship between institutional change and economic achievement in China by discussing the integrated relationship of regional economy through the viewpoints of the new institutional economic school. To drive organizational reengineering by establishing the institution and organization increases the competitiveness by utilizing the opportunities created by institution. Organization reduces the transactional cost and gain the profit via institutional change and the formation of new organization to further affect the institutional transition. Since China embarked on reform and opening-up in 1970, it is capable for China to quickly merge the international economic system and accelerate the connection with globalization along with the transition of institutional and economic structures. After the reform and opening-up, China had fully utilized its international strength includes the large-scaled market, the low-priced labors, and the vast territory. In 2006, the foreign exchange reserves of China had already exceeded more than one thousand billion dollars. China is in high-speed economic development and facing the tough challenges of being globalization in 21 century, it has to quickly adjust when facing the internal regional integration to solve the severe problem of regional development inconsistency. This problem concerns the key issue that the future of China is capable of maintaining the steady growth or not. Because of the vigorous economic development, China has more predominance to negotiate with other countries. After joining WTO in 2001, Mainland China began to take the exterior expanding strategy and also actively to participate the economical organization of international regional-integration such as formally signing the comprehensive economic-cooperation agreement with ASEAN. This act not only symbolizes that China has full influence power in East Asia, but significantly means that China desires to substitute Japan for taking the leading position of East-Asia economy. Looking into the future, China will face the more uncertain circumstances and challenges after merging the global trade market. In the China’s 11th five-year plan, China intends to transfer to the strategy of expanding domestic-demand market from the strategy of adjusting export-oriented economy, and balancing regional difference and reducing the surplus of foreign exchange and trade conflict via executing this plan. However, the deficiency of China’s domestic-market is the most serious variable in the China’s 11th five-year plan. If China government fails to properly solve the deflation and unemployment problems, China’s economy will be inflicted heavy losses because of the revaluation of Renminbi. The contradiction of three stages (the differences between city and town, the differences between industry and agriculture, and the regional differences) aggravates the uncertainty of China society, and also possible to impact the economic and political stability in Asia Pacific Zone and the international power equilibrium.經濟改革區域整合新制度經濟學派制度變遷Economic ReformRegional IntegrationNew Institutional Economic SchoolInstitutional Change制度變遷下中國經濟改革之路徑選擇The Pathway Selection of the Economic Reform of China during the Institutional Change