莊謙本彭仁桂Jen-kuei Peng2019-09-042003-07-012019-09-042001http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22885030074%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98307本研究旨在探討我國公共職業訓練機構訓練成效影響因素之構面及衡量指標、研提公共職業訓練機構訓練成效影響因素模式、訓練成效評量工具,以供職業訓練主管機關於行政決策、規劃促進訓練成效計畫與評鑑訓練績效之參考,並提供各公共職業訓練機構以有效提升訓練成效。 為達成研究目的,本研究兼採文獻分析、專家座談及調查研究法;使用自編之「我國公共職業訓練機構訓練成效影響因素之研究」調查問卷,對全國12所公共職業訓練機構所有行政人員及職業訓練師進行問卷調查,有效問卷回收率為57.8﹪;再對調查所得之數據進行因素分析、變異數分析(oneway ANOVA)、t考驗、克朗巴克(Cronbach)a係數值分析,以及薛費(Scheff’e)法、最少顯著差異(Least Significant Difference, LSD)法作事後比較等統計分析。 因素分析後,合計粹取得到公共職業訓練機構訓練成效影響因素之七個構面及四十七個衡量指標,按其對訓練成效之影響程度依次為訓練制度、環境與規劃,職業訓練師資,組織文化,技能檢定與就業輔導,訓練實施,行政支援,以及訓練成效評鑑七個構面;並依據資料分析及文獻探討結果,提出對公共職業訓練機構及主管機關促進訓練成效之建議。The purpose of this research were to probe the dimensions and measurement indicators of influential factors of training effect in public vocational training institutions in Taiwan, to develop and propose the influential factor model and measurement for training effect in public vocational training institutions. Furthermore, the results of this study were suggested to the related administrators for policy-making; such as making training effect improvement plan as well as assessing training effect. The documentary analysis, expert meeting and questionnaire survey methods were adopted in this study. A self-developed questionnaire for "influential factors to training effect in public vocational training institutions in Taiwan" was used to survey ideas from the members of 12 public vocational training institutions in Taiwan. Based on the 57.8﹪effective retrieving data, the statistical methods of factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, t-test, Cronbach a reliability test, Scheffé method, and Least Significant Difference (LSD) method for posteriori comparisons were used to analyze objects’ concepts. After factor analysis, there were 7 factor dimensions and 47 evaluation indicators influencing training effect of public vocational training institution. In accordance with the degree of training effect, it includes training system, environment and planning, qualified trainer, organizational culture, skill testing and employment guidance, execution of training work, administrative support, and training effect assessment factor dimensions. Several suggestions were made to enhance the training effects for public vocational training institutions and superintendent organizations.職業訓練公共職業訓練機構訓練成效影響因素Vocational TrainingPublic Vocational Training InstitutionFactors Influencing the Training Effect我國公共職業訓練機構訓練成效影響因素之研究Factors Influencing the Training Effect of Public Vocational Training Institutions in Taiwan