王千睿Wang, Chien-Jui吳庭雲Wu, Ting-Yun2020-10-192024-05-262020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060568025T%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111442現今的運動APP中的社群功能已日趨多元,但在社群功能不斷添加的同時卻有不少功能利用率不高,因此本研究以使用者介面設計的角度做切入,探討運動與社群的整合性APP所需之原則,重新了解社群與運動兩種類別的使用需求,並在後續運用研究結果嘗試設計一款介面原型。 本研究共分三個部分,第一部分是透過文獻探討彙整出八項使用者介面設計原則。第二部分運用文獻探討、案例分析、訪談研究、問卷調查探討並彙整結果。最後是將結果運用在設計創作中,並產出一套介面原型供後續檢視與討論。 本研究結論如下(一)八項使用者介面設計原則雖在定義與敘述上並無重疊,但在單一項目其中卻可能有著一至三項原則不等的考量。(二)有很高比例的用戶希望在運動APP中參與運動活動。(三)用戶在網路上參與運動邀約時最顧慮體能差距與騎乘距離兩項因素,其中用戶能藉由平均距離、平均時間、平均海拔爬升這三項數據來了解自身的體能差距。(四)在一般操作介面採取較為簡潔的風格在資訊較豐富的情況下採取多顏色區分是比較能夠令人接受的。(五)用戶們對於回復性這項原則感受較為強烈。(六)相關APP設計上除了要保留基礎數據的搜集功能外,還應保留運用其他硬體所搜集的數據之能力。(七)在功能架構圖的規劃階段就已會影響APP的操作感受以及流暢度。 本研究最後的創作研究共產出一款可供操作的APP介面原型,於2019年7月在校內青田十六展覽空間供參觀操作,在論文中相關段落主要以文字敘述並輔以APP介面截圖與箭頭指示予以說明與介紹。Now the community function in the movement of the APP has increasingly diverse, but at the same time in the community function constantly add much functional utilization rate is not high, so this study to be cut into the user interface design point of view, discusses the principles of sports and community-integrated APP needs, to understand the community use demand and two categories of movement, and in the subsequent use of the results of the study attempts to design a prototype. This study is divided into three parts. The first part is to explore and summarize eight user interface design principles through the literature. The second part uses literature research, case analysis, interview research, questionnaire survey to discuss and compile the results. Finally, the results are used in design creation, and a set of interface prototypes are produced for subsequent review and discussion. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) Although the eight user interface design principles do not overlap in definition and narrative, there may be one to three considerations in a single project. (2) A high percentage of users want to participate in sports activities in sports apps. (3) When users participate in sports invitations on the Internet, they are most concerned about the two factors of physical fitness gap and riding distance. Among them, users can understand their physical fitness gap through the three data of average distance, average time, and average altitude climb. (4) It is more acceptable to adopt a more concise style in the general operation interface, and to adopt multi-color differentiation under the condition of richer information. (5) Users feel strongly about the principle of resilience. (6) In addition to retaining the basic data collection function in the design of related apps, the ability to use the data collected by other hardware should also be retained. (7) In the planning stage of the functional architecture diagram, the operation feeling and fluency of the APP will be affected. The final creative research in this study produced a prototype of an operable APP interface. It was available for visit in the Qingtian16 exhibition space in the school in July 2019. The relevant paragraphs in the dissertation are mainly described in text, supplemented by APP interface screenshots and the arrows indicate the description and be introduced.運動APP社群平台使用者介面Sports APPCommunity platformUser interface運動與社群的整合性App介面設計之創作研究Creative Research on Integrated APP Interface Design of Sports and Community