李景美Ching-Mei Lee詹佩芬Pe-Fen Chan2019-08-282013-8-162019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597051119%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87806本研究主要目的是瞭解基隆市公立國中學生發展性資產與危害健康行為的現況,並探討發展性資產與危害健康行為之關係。研究對象為九十八學年度第二學期就讀基隆市公立國中七、八、九年級學生。抽樣方法採兩步驟抽樣法,以叢集取樣抽取六所國中,再從每校七至九年級各隨機抽取一個班級,得有效樣本數為517人。研究工具採結構式調查問卷,以團體自填問卷方式蒐集資料,內容包括社會人口學變項、發展性資產、危害健康行為等三部份。所得資料以t檢定、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、點二系列相關、複迴歸分析、複邏輯迴歸等方法進行統計分析。 本研究結果如下: 一、受測學生的發展性資產平均而言屬中等程度,從外在資產與內在資產兩大類來看,外在與內在資產均屬於尚可。就發展性資產分組而言,發展性資產總分、內在資產和外在資產、八項資產類別均有偏低的情形。 二、受測學生整體出現危害健康行為的頻率不高,顯示大多屬於有過一至二次的危害健康行為。各項危害健康行為中,較常出現的有喝含糖飲料、未喝超過2000C.C以上的水、騎(坐)腳踏車未戴安全帽、未養成規律的運動習慣、每天看電視連續超過2小時、課業造成的壓力、擔心某件事而失眠、罵別人髒話。 三、受測學生的發展性資產會因其父親教育程度、母親教育程度、父親職業、家庭完整性之不同而有顯著差異。 四、受測學生的危害健康行為會因其年級、父親教育程度、父親職業、家庭完整性之不同而有顯著差異。 五、受測學生的危害健康行為與發展性資產呈顯著中度負相關。 六、受測學生的七個社會人口學變項能顯著預測其危害健康行為,其解釋總變異量為5.6%,具有低度的解釋力。其中「年級」、「父親教育程度」、「家庭完整性」均有顯著預測力。 七、受測學生的外在資產與內在資產能顯著預測其危害健康行為,其解釋總變異量為37.2%,具有中間強度的解釋力。其中「外在資產」與「內在資產」均有顯著預測力。 八、受測學生的八項資產類別能顯著預測其危害健康行為,其解釋總變異量為39.3%,具有中間強度的解釋力。其中「學習投入」、「社交能力」均有顯著預測力。 根據研究結果,建議強化與建構青少年發展性資產,藉由家庭、學校、社區等多方的連結與支持,幫助青少年學習更多積極的經驗、關係與機會,有助於青少年建構每項優勢和技能,藉此累積更多的資產。在預防危害健康行為上,建議可強化青少年外在與內在資產、學習投入資產,有助於減低其危害健康行為,促進青少年健康成長。The main purpose of this research was to explore the developmental assets and health-risk behaviors among the adolescents in the public junior high schools in Keelung City. Also, this study analyze the relationship between the developmental assets and health-risk behaviors. The sampling students was selected by using two-stage sampling. One class was randomly selected in each grade in each of the six schools, with the total effective samples being 517. The research subjects were the students in the six junior high schools from seventh to ninth grades who were in their second semester of 2009 academic year. A structured questionnaire was completed by using self-administered method to obtain quantitative data regarding social-demographic variables, developmental assets and health-risk behaviors. The data collected was analyzed by t-test, Chi-square test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, point-biserial correlation, multiple regression, and logistic regression methods. The research findings were as follows: 1.The average score of total developmental assets of the students were in the middle level, the external and internal assets were fair. According to its four ranges of the developmental assets, external assets, internal assets, and assets of the eight categories among the students were relatively low. 2.The frequency of health-risk behaviors among the students was not high. The study showed that most students had once or twice health-risk behaviors. Among the health-risk behaviors, the higher frequency of health-risk behaviors included drinking 2. sugar-sweetened drinks, not drinking enough water, not wearing bike helmets, no regular exercises, continuously watching TV for more than two hours per day, academic pressures, sleepless became of worry, and using dirty words. 3.The developmental assets among the students were significantly different with their parents' educational levels, fathers' occupations, and family intactness. 4.The health-risk behaviors among the students were significantly different with different grades, fathers’ educational levels, fathers’ occupations, and family intactness. 5.The developmental assets among the students was negative correlated with the health-risk behaviors. 6.The seven social demographic variables could significantly predict students’ health-risk behaviors, with explained variance being 5.6%. Grade, fathers’ educational levels, fathers’ occupations, and family intactness could significantly predict health-risk behaviors. 7.Internal and external assets could significantly predict students’ health-risk behaviors, with explained variance being 37.2%. 8.Eight categories of developmental assets could significantly predict students' health-risk behaviors, with explained variance being 39.3%. Committing to learning and social competencies could significantly predict health-risk behaviors. Based on the research findings, it is recommended that by strengthening and building the development assets for the young people and linking their families, schools and communities for better supporting, it could help adolescents learn more positive experiences and offer better relationships and opportunities. It could also help young people accumulate more assets. To prevent health-risk behaviors, it is suggested to strengthen the external and internal assets and commitment to learning assets in order to lower health-risk behaviors and promote adolecent health.青少年國中學生發展性資產危害健康行為AdolescentJunior High School StudentDevelopmental AssetHealth-Risk Behavior青少年發展性資產與危害健康行為之研究-以基隆市國中學生為例A Study on the Developmental Assets and Health-Risk Behaviors among the Adolescents in the Public Junior High Schools in Keelung City