陳昭珍Chen-chao Chen何佳欣Chia-hsin Her2019-08-282004-07-192019-08-282004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069115009%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88984本論文主旨為探討各資料庫系統應以何種技術、標準以及在資訊組織模式方面的互通共識應為何,方能落實數位圖書館整合檢索的理念;而後並進一步探討欲使數位圖書館整合檢索之效能最佳化,服務系統(Service Provider)與各資料庫系統提供者(Data Provider)間所應有的合作模式。 為達到前述目的,本論文以『華文知識入口網站』為例,運用文獻分析法、訪談法和內容分析法,歸納出以運用OAI-PMH架構為基礎之數位圖書館整合檢索模式、在內容層面的都柏林核心集(Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, 以下簡稱DC)欄位對映情形及其所展現的整合檢索效能,以提供數位圖書館相關計畫未來於從事整合檢索機制之參考。 是以綜合文獻分析、訪談及分析『華文知識入口網站』與各資料庫系統網站內容的結果,本論文的結論為: 1.『華文知識入口網站』利用OAI-PMH所建置的集中式目錄之內涵,在技術、內容和組織層面的規劃完善; 2.各資料庫系統以DC欄位作為資訊組織模式的互通共識,且DC欄位的對映規範對『華文知識入口網站』十分重要; 3.OAI-PMH架構在『華文知識入口網站』中的整合檢索效能表現良好,為使效能表現最佳化,應當有一規劃妥善的協調機制。 最後,依據OAI-PMH架構於『華文知識入口網站』中的配合模式,針對擔任服務系統、各資料庫系統與系統開發廠商提出建議,期使數位圖書館的整合檢索之效能得以更臻完善。In this thesis, a consensus model for a digital library to realize an integrated searching system is explored from technological aspects and furthermore, a collaborative model between Service Providers and Data Providers to obtain the best performance of the integrated searching mechanism is examined as well. To achieve the above goal, this thesis takes “華文知識入口網站 (Chinese Information Portal Site)” as a study. Three research methods – literature analysis, interview, and content analysis are exploited to investigate the following issue: an integrated searching model on the foundation of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), the mapping between content and the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DC) and performance evaluations for the model. The conclusions are: 1.The Chinese Information Portal Site adopts a concentrated model for centralized union catalog and plans well in the agreements at three levels: technical, content and organizational; 2.Data Providers use DC to facilitate cross-domain resource discovery and digital library interoperability and the mapping of DC is essential; 3.The OAI-PMH protocol works well for integrated searching. To make it best there should be a well plan in communication. According to the collaborative model of the OAI-PMH protocol in the Chinese Information Portal Site, this thesis finally gives suggestions to service and database system providers for building an integrated searching system in a digital library.異質系統資訊組織數位圖書館整合檢索開放檔案詮釋資料擷取協定聯合目錄詮釋資料都柏林核心集Heterogeneous systemInformation organizationDigital libraryIntegrated retrievalOAI-PMHUnion catalogMetadataDublin Core從異質系統的資訊組織模式探討數位圖書館整合檢索之效能-以華文知識入口網站為例A Study on integrated searching performance of heterogeneous systems---With Chinese Information Portal Site as an Example