陳志洪Chen, Zhi-Hong陳佳妏Chen, Jia-Wen2023-12-082023-08-152023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/db594199eda28389f98afb9eb9698a30/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119800本研究設計一套結合曲水流觴桌遊及APP融入藉景抒情文寫作教學之課程,藉以分析國小高年級學童在以桌遊及APP融入學習之方式下,在藉景抒情文上之寫作能力表現與學習興趣,以延展並促進其提升寫作能力,期望有助於協助高年級學童銜接未來國民中學階段之藉景抒情文寫作。本研究藉由結合桌遊與APP系統融入之教學方式,提升國小高年級學童在藉景抒情文上之寫作能力與興趣,探究新北市某國小五年A班、五年B班各24名學童的藉景抒情文學習成效、學習興趣及其對此課程之回饋。由研究者在課堂中實際融入曲水流觴桌遊與APP進行藉景抒情文教學對照未以遊戲式學習融入之學習方式(傳統講述式教學)下,學童之寫作能力表現差異,及學童在研究者設計之寫作課程中,對於課程之感受及回饋。本研究所得結論如下: 一、結合桌遊與APP融入教學能提升國小高年級學童對藉景抒情文之寫作能力。 二、結合桌遊與APP融入教學能提升國小高年級學童對藉景抒情文之學習興趣。 三、國小高年級學童對於結合桌遊與APP融入教學呈現正向且良好的反應。This study was conducted to analyze the writing ability and interest of upper elementary school students in writing lyrical essays through scenes, to help them bridge the gap to the future lyrical essays through scenes in junior high school level and to promote their writing ability.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of board games and APPs to enhance the writing ability and interest of upper elementary school students (the feedback of 29 students in each of the five-year A and five-year B classes in a Taipei City elementary school) in writing lyrical essays through scenes.Based on the above analysis, the following conclusions were obtained: 1. The integration of board games and APPs into the teaching can improve the upper elementary school students' ability to write lyrical essays through scenes. 2. The integration of board games and APPs in teaching can enhance the interest of upper elementary school students in learning lyrical essays. 3. The upper elementary school students show positive and good responses to the integration of board games and APPs.寫作能力寫作興趣藉景抒情文APP (遊戲式數位學習)writing abilitylearning interestlyrical essays through scenesAPPs (technology enhanced learning)以桌遊與APP提升國小學童對藉景抒情文之寫作能力與興趣Using Board Games and APPs to Improve Elementary School Students' Ability and Learning Interest in Lyrical Essays through Scenesetd