陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih洪暉琇Hung, Hui-Hsiu2019-08-282018-09-012019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004A02106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88779創造力對於現今社會具有重要的意義,許多研究者由環境面向探討創造力,其中家庭被視為是孕育子女創造力的重要場域。許多國外文獻顯示,父母的教養風格與子女的創造力有強烈關聯,然而此效果在東亞地區與國內研究裡則較不明顯,據此,本研究以過去未被列入考量的條件切入,試圖釐清華人與非華人文化圈父母在養育子女上的風格差異,以及對子女創造力之影響路徑。本研究將一些可能影響教養風格-創造力路徑之潛在變項納入探討,包含:控制父母親與學生的背景變項,區辨主、次要教養者,與調查父母直接陪伴子女進行「生活起居」、「非課業活動」、「課業活動」、「管教/教導」、「被規劃/要求參加的活動」之時間,以期能更清楚地瞭解國內家長教養方式與子女創造力之間的關係。本研究採便利抽樣,抽取來自臺灣北、中、南、東、離島五個地區共13校539位國中生參與者,進行主要教養者的教養風格與陪伴時間對創造力影響的施測,研究工具採用父母直接陪伴時間調查表、葉光輝教養風格量表、新編創造思考測驗─圖形測驗、頓悟問題作業、短式五大人格量表。研究結果發現:透過區分主要教養者,父母的教養風格對創造力的影響更顯著,尤以開明權威對創造力的正向效果最佳,寬鬆放任則不利創造力發展。父母親直接陪伴孩子的時間對創造力效果不明顯,但過長的時間(6小時以上)對創造力會造成負向影響。本研究結果應有助於釐清國內家長教養型態、風格與創造力的關係,並根據研究結果提出建議,以期成為後續研究之基礎。Creativity is of great significance to today. Many researchers explore the environment from the perspective of creativity. The family is seen as an important field for children's creativity. Many foreign literatures show that parental styles of education are strongly related to children’s creativity. However, this effect is less obvious in East Asian and domestic studies. Therefore, this study takes into account conditions that have not been taken into consideration in the past. It seeks to clarify the differences in the styles of parenting between Chinese and non-Chinese cultural parents and their influence on children’s creativity. This study includes some potential variables that may affect the style of education-creativity, including: background variables that control parents and students, district leaders, minor educators, and survey parents who directly accompany children. The time of rearing, non-school activities, school activities, discipline/teaching, and activities planned/required for participation is expected to provide a clearer understanding of the relationship between domestic parenting practices and child creativity. This study used convenience sampling to collect 539 students from 13 schools in five regions of North, Central, South, East, and Outlying Islands in Taiwan, and tested the parenting style of major educators and time with parent on creativity. The research tools used parental time questionnaire, Ye Guanghui's education style scale, new creative thinking test-graphic test, epiphany question assignment, short-term Big-Five personality scale. The results of the study found that: By distinguishing between the major educators, the parental style has a more significant influence on creativity. In particular, ”authoritative parenting” has the best positive effect on creativity, and ”indulgent parenting” is not conducive to the development of creativity. Parents who spend time directly with their children have little effect on creativity, but excessively long hours (more than 6 hours) can have a negative impact on creativity. The results of this study should help clarify the relationship between domestic parenting style and creativity, and make recommendations based on the research results in order to become the basis for subsequent research.教養風格創造力父母陪伴時間Parenting styleCreativityTime with Parent探討父母教養風格對國中生認知與情意層面創造力之影響A Study on Influence of Parenting Style on the Cognitive and Affective Creativity of Junior High School Students