陳昭珍Chen, Chao-Chen洪巧竹Hong, Qiao-Zhu2022-06-082021-06-222022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c9630805df5d0dae5d7c348eaf3f8bd7/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118311國內高中生進入大學的學習普遍存在落差,而其落差展現於學術閱讀之面向,但國內鮮少探究學術閱讀素養,因此本研究整合國內外相關素養內涵,共構高中生學術閱讀素養。近年國內推動十二年國民基本教育,其中強調學生自主學習,因此本研究發展高中生學術閱讀素養自陳式量表。本研究聚焦於高中生學術閱讀素養量表的發展、信效度檢驗、各面向之關聯及高中生學術閱讀素養程度,分別運用修正式德菲法、焦點團體訪談法、問卷調查法進行研究。 於文獻探討、分析階段形成初版學術閱讀素養量表,學術閱讀態度、學術敏感度、資訊檢索、閱讀理解、統整及評鑑五面向、共36題;透過修正式德菲法及焦點團體訪談法三階段的驗證,維持五面向、保留35題;運用預試所蒐集的93個樣本,驗證信效度。本研究總量表Cronbach’s α值為0.910,「學術閱讀態度」、「學術敏感度」、「資訊檢索」、「閱讀理解」與「統整及評鑑」分量表Cronbach’s α值分別為0.67、0.82、0.76、0.75、0.84;從不同指標得知本量表具有良好的建構效度。進一步驗證結構方程模型,其模型之卡方自由度比3.22、SRMR=0.04、RMSEA=0.05、CFI=0.96,皆符合其指標判別標準,表示此模型具有良好的適配度,最終維持五面向,保留17題。 由路徑分析檢核各面向間的因果關係及最後進行正式問卷調查,蒐集949樣本,並得結論:1.學術閱讀態度為發展學術閱讀素養之關鍵,此結果可作為未來高中教師於學術閱讀教學之依據;2.學生自評學術閱讀素養尚可,其結果與國內過去針對大一新生之學習狀況之研究結果相似,表示本研究之量表在高中銜接大學學習狀況之檢核具有相當程度的代表性,建議未來高中教師可於一般學科課程、自主學習課程-專題探究、小論文寫作課堂使用此量表,提供學生自我檢核。There is the gap from academic reading for high school student into university. Due to little research in Academic reading literacy inTaiwan, we combined the connotation of related literacy from domestic and foreign literature to construct Academic reading literacy for high school students. For the past few years, our government have implemented 12-year Basic Education and emphasized on self-directed learning. As a result, we followed the policy and developed the self-report inventory of academic reading literacy. High school students could know their advantage and disadvantage of academic reading literacy to make progress. The focus of this research is on the development of academic reading literacy scale, reliability and validity verification, and the level of academic reading literacy for high school students through modified Delphi method, focus group, and questionnaire survey method.There are five factors, the attitude of Academic reading, academic sensitivity, information retrieval, comprehension, integrate and evaluate, and 36 items in the first version of academic reading literacy scale. Participants included 93 high school students for EFA, and analysis 949 for CFA, SEM, and the level of academic reading literacy for high school students.The Cronbach’s α was found to be 0.910, showing the second version of the Academic reading literacy scale had good internal consistency. And we found the construct validity was good from several criteria. The indexes of SEM are fitting in with the standard (χ2 /df=3.22, SRMR=0.04, RMSEA=0.05, CFI=0.96), showing the model had good goodness of fit. The final version included five factors and 17 items.We drew conclusions from the result of path analysis and survey: 1. the key of developing academic reading literacy is the attitude of academic reading, being the teaching point for high school teacher; 2. the level of academic reading literacy from students is passable, and the result is similar with the survey of learning situation for freshmen in the last year. That means our scale is representative. We suggest high school teachers could use the scale on the discipline curriculum and the curriculum of self-directed learning, like essay writing and topical inquiry and practice and students could check their learning situation.學術閱讀學術素養閱讀素養高中銜接大學的學習落差Academic readingAcademic literacyReading literacythe gap between high school and college高中生學術閱讀素養量表設計之研究The Development of Academic Reading Literacy Scale for High School Students學術論文