吳文琪Wu, Wen-Chi林品翰Lin, Pin-Han2022-06-082022-01-202022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d4604acf7b4194f241df9578c1f683c5/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117656攻擊行為跟身體活動會影響青少年身心健康,因此是重大的公共衛生議題。研究證實身體活動與攻擊行為間有相關性,但兩者間機制仍不明確。另外同儕連結可能透過中介或調節作用影響兩者間的相關性。本研究主要探討新北市與桃園市國高中生攻擊行為的現況,及瞭解個人背景因素、身體活動及同儕連結與攻擊行為的相關性,以及在身體活動與攻擊行為間同儕連結扮演的角色。使用「堅毅理論之跨文化比較:青少年攻擊行為、物質使用及心理困擾之研究」中台灣地區第三波的資料(2020年九月至2021年一月),共1362位學生為研究對象。運用描述性統計、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、結構方程模式和複迴歸之交互作用項,進行次級資料分析。研究結果重點如下:一、 男性在肢體攻擊行為、非肢體攻擊行為、身體活動三個分項得分、身體活動總分,及負向同儕連結之平均值,均顯著高於女性。女性之正向同儕連結的平均值顯著高於男性。二、 身體活動三個分項得分與總分均與肢體攻擊行為有顯著正相關,負向同儕連結與肢體攻擊行為及非肢體攻擊行為都有正相關。三、 在控制其他條件下,負向同儕連結會同時作為非肢體攻擊及肢體攻擊行為的危險因子。身體活動與正向同儕連結會分別作為非肢體攻擊與肢體攻擊的保護因子。而男性的肢體攻擊行為也會較女性III 顯著的高。 四、 就同儕連結對身體活動與攻擊行為間的調節效果方面,對非肢體攻擊行為及肢體攻擊行為來說,隨著負向同儕連結的增加,身體活動總分與非肢體攻擊或肢體攻擊行為的關係會減弱。 五、 就同儕連結對身體活動與攻擊行為間的中介效果而言,費力身體活動會提高負向同儕連結,進而提高非肢體攻擊與肢體攻擊行為的頻率。對於肢體攻擊行為來說,正向的同儕連結可以做為保護因子。 身體活動可能透過提高負向同儕連結,進而增加攻擊行為的發生,而正向的同儕連結能作為此機制中的保護因子。最後依據研究結果提供相關影響因素之建議及未來研究之改進,以減低國高中校園內的攻擊事件發生。Aggressive behavior and physical activity are public health concerns due to their impacts on adolescents' physical and mental health. Some evidence indicated the associations between physical activity and aggressive behavior, but the results were inconsistent. The peer connection may be the mechanism via a moderating effect on the association between physical activity and aggressive behavior or a mediating effect between them. This study aimed to investigate the status of aggressive behavior among adolescents in New Taipei City and Taoyuan City and the relationships among sociodemographic factors,physical activity, and peer connection. The study further examined the role of peer connection between physical activity and aggressive behavior.The data of this study came from the third wave of the project,"Cross-culture comparison of resilience theory: a study of adolescents' aggression, substance use, and mental distress – second-year follow-up" (from September of 2020 to January 2021), and 1362 valid samples were collected. Descriptive statistics, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, multiple regression models, and path analysis were applied to answer research questions. The research results were highlighted as follows: 1. The mean levels of males' physically aggressive behavior, non-physicallyaggressive behavior, the scores of the three physical activity subscales, the total score of physical activity, and negative peer connection were higher than the levels of females'. The mean level of positive peer connection was higher among females than males. There were significantly positive correlations between physical activity and physically aggressive behavior, as well as between both aggressive behaviors and negative peer connection. 3. After sociodemographic factors were adjusted, moderate physical activity was a risk factor, and negative peer connection was a protective factor of non-physically aggressive behavior. Vigorous physical activity and negative peer connection were risk factors of physically aggressive behavior. On the other hand, positive peer connection was a protective factor of physically aggressive behavior.4. Regarding the moderating effect of peer connection, the associations between physical activity and aggressive behaviors (physically and non-physically) decreased when the negative peer connection increased.5. Regarding the mediating effect of peer connection, vigorous physical activity increased negative peer connection, which in turn increased aggressive behaviors (physically and non-physically). For physically aggressive behavior, positive peer connection was a protective factor.To prevent adolescents' aggressive behaviors, educators and counselors need to notice the associations between physical activity and aggressive behaviors and how peer connection might mediate and moderate the associations. Negative peer connections might deteriorate the associations between vigorous physical activity and aggressive behaviors. Thus, encouraging adolescents to reduce negative peer connections could alleviate the associations between physical activity and aggressive behaviors.攻擊行為身體活動同儕連結aggressive behaviorphysical activitypeer connectionmoderating effectmediating effect身體活動量與青少年攻擊行為之關係-以同儕連結作為中介或調節因子The association between physical activity and aggressive behavior among adolescents – peer connection as a mediator or a moderator學術論文