林至誠Lin, Chih-Cheng周玟廷Chou, Wen-Ting2020-12-142019-08-162020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060321063L%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110946近年來,科技教學學科知識(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge,TPACK)的理論架構被用於探討教師對學科內容、教學法和科技間相互作用的決策。然而,科技融入教學是一個棘手的問題。當一個教師有策略地應用科技來強化教學內容時,他們所展現的TPACK 會因為當下的情境而有所不同。在面對行動科技的發展趨勢時,較少研究關注於將行動科技融入教學背後的理由。 本研究的目的是探討偏遠地區的情境如何影響三位臺灣以英語為外語(English as a Foreign Language,EFL)之教師的TPACK展現。本研究採用混合方法。首先,偏遠學校的情境因素主要透過訪談取得。教師所展現的TPACK則透過量化的學生問卷及質性的教案、課堂觀察和半結構化訪談收集資料。 結果顯示,偏遠學校的情境,包含兩個參與者(即教師和學生)和一個範圍(即中觀meso)因素會影響教師的TPACK展現。中觀情境因素顯示了這些偏遠學校因應少子化和資源缺乏等問題所採取的轉型措施。教師也會根據學生的需求、先前知識和操作科技的能力來考量是否將科技融入於教學之中。相較於其他情境因素,教師的角色情境因素對其TPACK的展現有著決定性的影響。而比起平板融入教學的經驗,教師將平板融入於教學的方式也與他們對科技的態度較為相關。The theoretical framework of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) has been used to explore teachers’ decision-making on the interplay of content, pedagogy, and technology in recent years. However, teaching with technology is a wicked problem. As teachers apply technology to reinforce certain content strategically, their TPACK enactments are situated and dependent on the context. When the trend of mobile technologies came into play, scant attention has been given to the reasons for integrating these technologies. The purpose of this research is to deepen our understanding of the TPACK enactment of three professional English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in the context of remote areas in Taiwan. A mixed-method was adopted. The contextual factors of remote schools are based on semi-structured interviews. Various data sources are collected to shape Teachers’ TPACK enactment, including quantitative student survey, qualitative lesson plans, classroom observation field notes, and semi-structured interviews. The results showed that two actors (i.e., teacher and student) and one scope (i.e., meso) contextual factors of remote schools influenced the teachers’ TPACK enactment. The meso dimension indicates the transformational measures these remote schools take to cope with the difficulties such as decline in birth rate and lack of resources. Teachers consider the use of technology according to students’ needs, prior knowledge, and technical skills. Teacher-centric dimension precedes other contextual factors in determining and demonstrating teachers’ TPACK enactment. It seems that the ways the teachers integrate technologies have more to do with their attitudes toward technology than their experience in applying tablet-based instruction.行動科技輔助語言學習科技教學學科知識平板電腦偏遠地區情境因素Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL)Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) enactmenttablet PCsremote areacontextual factors英語教師如何在臺灣偏遠地區將平板電腦應用於教學―以TPACK理論架構為例How English Teachers Apply Tablet PCs to Their Teaching in the Context of Remote Schools: A TPACK Approach